Mental Health Awareness with Kirk Patrick Miller

It is an honor to hear Kirk’s inspiring update on his continued winning battle with mental and physical challenges, especially on world mental health day!

He and I deep dive on work life balance and his recent success with coming off diazepam!

Tune in for holistic health tips and Kirk’s mental health journey on all platforms.


Kirk Patrick Miller is a multi-talented professional with a background in science, art, finance, education, and music. He has discovered new treatments while on his own path of wellbeing for connective tissue disorders, autoimmune diseases, bipolar, and anxiety. His groundbreaking case pilot studies are pending publication.

Kirk is an award winning author, currently working on the final book in a fantasy series that blends magic with scientific principles.

His work explores themes of time, energy, and human potential, reflecting his personal theory that time is an energy we interact with. A perpetual student, he continues to refine his projects.

Kirk’s wide-ranging interests include time perception, psychology, creative writing, and responsible AI collaboration. He believes in using AI to build a better world and empower individuals with knowledge. He hopes to inspire others to realize there is no limit to what they can achieve with good mental health and grit.

The Love Tank by Author Andrea Mendoza Vasconez Ph.D

What an honor to interview Dr. Andrea!

Press Release:

The Love Tank Helps Young Children Understand the Importance of Extending Kindness to Others

SAN DIEGO, California — When Andrea Mendoza-Vasconez’s 3-year-old daughter found her crying in response to news of a school shooting, the behavioral scientist struggled to find the words to answer her question: “What’s wrong?” Mendoza-Vasconez’s children’s book, The Love Tank, is her answer — and she hopes it will help other parents explain challenging concepts, too.

The book, written for children ages 4-8, guides children in imagining a superpower container inside their bodies that fills up with love. The story explains in gentle terms what can happen when someone’s love tank is full or empty and how children can fill their love tanks and help others to fill theirs too.

Mendoza-Vasconez recalls telling her daughter, “While there are no intrinsically ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people in this world, sometimes people do bad things and hurt others because they don’t have enough love in their own lives — their love tank is empty.” She further explained, “I always hug you, kiss you and tell you I love you because I want your love tank to be full so you can treat others with kindness and compassion.”

One of the goals of the book is to help parents explain why someone might harm others in a way that their children can understand. Additionally, the book helps children connect with important values such as empathy, compassion, gratitude and authenticity in a simpler manner.

The Love Tank, which has won many awards, including the prestigious 2024 Nautilus Award for Small Press Children’s Picture Books (silver), is the first in a series of three books, all dealing with socioemotional learning concepts. The other books in the series include The Gratitude Goggles, which guides children as they imagine a special pair of goggles that can appear by simply feeling gratitude; and The Puzzle Piece, which encourages children to imagine that the world is a gigantic puzzle, in which they are unique pieces.

Since The Love Tank was published, Mendoza-Vasconez has heard from many parents who have used it to help their children who have been bullied understand why. She hopes the book will continue to help children express love by brainstorming how they can fill others’ love tanks.

 Tune into our interview here:

About the Author

 Andrea Mendoza-Vasconez, Ph.D., is an award-winning children’s book author, a mother, a behavioral scientist, a teacher, an advocate and a storyteller. She was born and raised in Ecuador and moved to the United States at 18 to attend Connecticut College. After working as a television producer and middle school teacher, she returned to school to earn a master’s degree in public health from Claremont Graduate University and a doctoral degree in public health (Health Behavior) from UC San Diego and San Diego State University. She completed her postdoctoral training at Stanford University and served as an assistant professor at the Brown University School of Public Health.

When Mendoza-Vasconez became a mother, her love for writing led her to explore storytelling as a way to explain difficult and important topics to her daughter. She uses imagery to communicate concepts such as empathy, compassion, gratitude and authenticity. Eventually, she started writing these stories down and publishing them as picture books to share these messages with other children around the world.

Amazon link:

Executive Performance Counselor Paul Sheesley on Vulnerability, Self Care & Perfectionism

There are very few people who have more access to D.C.’s most powerful people than Paul Sheesley, a psychotherapist who empowers politicians and CEOs in Washington, D.C..

He helps his clients achieve balance in their personal and professional lives so they can reach their goals and make a significant impact.

On today’s episode we discuss how Paul helps his client’s change their internal dialogue, lean into self care and travel back in time together to reflect on patterns of function and dysfunction to heal any psychological wounds and create new narratives.

Tune in here:

Paul Sheesley, is a mental health practitioner with 20 years of experience in the field of clinical psychology and human behavior. He equips high-powered professionals, prominent couples, and families committed to healthy interpersonal relationships with personalized support, tailored treatment, and necessary steps to regain a balanced self that positively impacts all areas of life.

Individuals empowered by his proprietary approaches to psychotherapy and counseling include NBA Stars, Foreign Diplomats, Reality TV Show Celebrities, Managing Partners and Founders, Lobbyists and Capitol-Hill Political Influences, and CEOs and CFOs of Top Fortune 500 Companies. specialties include Schema Therapy, psychological assessment, personality and behavioral issues, addiction, and substance use, all of which are rooted in comprehensive psychotherapy and mental health training from leading institutions nationwide, including McDaniel College, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Towson University, Drexel University, The Center for Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy of New Jersey, and The New Jersey Schema Therapy Institute.

Daily Beast Contribution 

Meet Jen McNerney of Heart Rooted Healing!

Are you ready to learn about NET, Neuro- Emotional Technique?

Jen McNerney is a root cause frequency practitioner, specializing in modalities that get to the root of our imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit. Her pivot in career shifted about 6 years ago as she started to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Jen deep dives on the evolution of listening to her intuition, her inspiring healing path and her integrative wisdom in guiding others to their unique thrive plan.

Tune in here:

As a traditional speech language pathologist Jen gives gratitude during the interview to the kids, teens and adults over the years that she says were always really dialed into the unseen and connected to more of a frequency.

Her path led her to honing in with holistic tools for herself and her clients with:

  • Meditation
  • Energy Healing
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
  • Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA)
  • Theta Healing
  • EFT
  • Emotion and Body Code
  • And other intuitive healing techniques

She is a Masters Level Usui Reiki Practitioner and teacher. a certified Level 2 NET Practitioner, and is certified in Contact Reflex Analysis with plans to begin teaching metaphysical techniques to kids and adults as her next chapter.

She is also my beloved sister.

Love you Jen!


Check out

Humanity Saved by Knowing the Shadow with Award Winning Author Victoria Lowery

“Anything is possible, as long as you believe it’s possible.”-Victoria Lowery

Best selling and award-winning author Victoria Lowery devotes her life to helping others embrace and understand emotions. She had an inner knowing about birthing her consciousness adventure Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow.

I could not put the book down as her writing style is so creative, playful and engaging for preteens and older to question core values and self mastery.

Are you ready for an engaging discussion on emotions, shadow work, and self discovery?

Secrets of the Shadow
From Book 1: Polly Parker has waited 14 years to meet her shadow and learn the six secrets that are prophesied to save the world from ancient, evil bloodlines. That goal cost her grandparents their lives, but idyllic Higher Realm School promises Polly a safe place to discover the coveted higher knowledge – or so she thinks. It’s not long before danger finds her, and Polly and her friends must work together to outwit those who want to keep the secrets hidden. Fate also may play a role, as a curious outcome while separating from her shadow leaves Polly questioning everything. In Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow, each thought can be made real, holographic adventures can be deadly, and personal bravery can create a destiny generations in the making.

Dr. Denise Soul Signature 911 Release

Thank you ALL for changing the way we think talk and act about mental health!

Sending love to humanity today and always.

Let’s allow a sacred pause on 9/11 in reverent remembrance for the lives lost on 9/11/2001.

As a collective we are experiencing a 911 CRISIS for Humanity with regards to mental health and addiction. I have devoted my life as an adult and child psychiatrist to raising awareness about mental health as a doctor and in all of my shows and media content.

Today is the launch of Dr. Denise Soul Signature by Love Allkind

Singing & vocals

Denise McDermott M.D.


Denise McDermott M.D.


Emily Eddins


Denise McDermott M.D.


Emily Eddins

Mixing engineer


Mastering engineer


Graphic Design

Carolyn Honda


Awareness, self-love, and altruism

Set the stage for the highest mind, body, and soul health Words, thoughts, and actions Carry a vibrational frequency

And they inspire us moment to moment

Creativity fuels the soul

We all have our own unique Neurostyle

Our sensory perception

That’s unique and multi-dimensional

How do you access your playful self

Do you spend time in nature Do you pick up an instrument

Do you write a poem

How do you reach your own happiness

Gratitude is a key ingredient of staying in the moment of now

I devote this song to my father, John Cech who passed away after a short battle with liver cancer 9/11/2011. My father conquered his own addiction and remained sober for the last 32 years of his life. He guides me everyday. I love you and miss you Dad.

Here is the song:

xoxo Love Allkind

Dr. Denise

“Honoring all kinds at all times.”- The Dr. Denise Show


Today’s Show:

Transform Your World: The Power of Self Discovery/ Dr. Denise and Robert Edward Grant Reveal

Join Dr. Denise for a profound journey into the heart of consciousness, uniqueness, and self-discovery with the polymath Robert Edward Grant. In this special episode, we delve into the myriad ways our individual experiences and perceptions shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. Robert shares his insights on the importance of embracing our uniqueness, the interconnectedness of all life, and the power of facing life’s challenges with gratitude and playfulness. From discussions on quantum physics and ancient civilizations to practical advice on living authentically, this episode is a beacon for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and the universe.
Robert’s journey from corporate success to exploring the mysteries of the universe serves as an inspiration for embracing our individual paths with courage and openness. Dr. Denise and Robert’s dialogue is a testament to the beauty of our diversity and the strength found in our shared humanity.
Subscribe and join us as we explore the vast landscapes of consciousness, self-love, and the potential for human evolution. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and don’t forget to like and share this video with those on their journey of self-discovery.
Robert Edward Grant
Robert’s mission is to integrate innovation, mathematics, natural sciences, artistic design & entrepreneurship into balanced creations intended to benefit all.
Robert Edward Grant is a successful entrepreneur, best-selling author of PHILOMATH, inventor, founder of several corporate enterprises, and the host of ‘Code X’, an original television series on Gaia and Amazon Prime.  He is an artist, sculptor, music theorist, musician, and author of numerous research and patent publications spanning biology, DNA combinatorics, number theory, geometry, and physics.
Additionally, he is the former President of Allergan Medical and CEO of Bausch and Lomb Surgical, both multibillion dollar global healthcare corporations.  As an entrepreneur, he is the founder of Strathspey Crown LLC, Evolus Inc., AEON BioPharma Inc., ALPHAEON Credit Inc., AccessElite Corp, CEYEBER Corp, Crown Sterling Limited LLC, and Theon Technology LLC.  His companies, like his interests, span healthcare, security, blockchain, cleantech, smart optic technologies, AR/VR and fintech.  He occupied several boards of directors of several corporations and universities.
Robert has lived in nine countries and fluently speaks Japanese, Korean, German and French.



***Original show launched February 2024

Authentic Pivots!

How do you show up for yourself in moments of crisis, stabilization and thrive on this Earth Ride?

Do you say NO when you need to?

Are you able to create BALANCE while in the stress?

This is a vulnerable deep dive episode with precise examples to inspire living your authentic life and listening to your inner voice.

Have a great September everyone.


Dr. Denise


Be A Visionary!

“Life is the vision board!” – Dr. Denise, Interview The Vision Cloud

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves to manifest our moment to moment thrive:

Am I moving in integrity?

What’s my unique sensory perception?

What’s my neurostyle?

What’s my best moment of now for today?

This is a power packed show to align with your Inner Visionary: