A Mental Health Break with Vincent A. Lanci

It was an absolute honor to be on Vince’s show as the first guest! This show launched in January and I wanted to say it is truly an honor to know Vince and also to see all that he is doing in honor of mental health!

Here is the EPISODE 

Host Name: Vincent A. Lanci (https://www.vincentlanci.com/)
Guest Name: Dr. Denise McDermott, “Dr. Denise” (https://www.drdenisemd.com/)


Would it benefit you to hear from Mental Health Professionals and Influencers? Would it add value to your life to also hear authentic stories from people talking about their mental health, the issues they face, and how they actively combat them? Congratulations, this is the perfect podcast for you!

Ever since my accident, and into recovery, I learned that I needed to prioritize my mental health. And my goal for this podcast is to help you do so, too!

For the series premier, Vincent A. Lanci brings on Dr. Denise McDermott, or as you may know of as, “Dr. Denise.” Dr. Denise McDermott, M.D. has been in private practice since 2001. As a medical doctor with board certifications in both Adult and Child Psychiatry, she treats children, adolescents and adults. Her goal is to empower you, your child, and your family to live the best life possible. Her approach is to encourage people to believe in wellness, not illness, and to lead a balanced healthy lifestyle.

Take a Deep Breath! It’s time to make your day a better one.

Host Name: Vincent A. Lanci (PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com)
Website- https://www.vincentlanci.com/podcasts
Instagram (Speaking)- https://www.instagram.com/vincentalanci/
Instagram (Podcast)-https://www.instagram.com/amentalhealthbreak/
Facebook (Speaking)- https://www.facebook.com/VincentALanci/
Facebook (Podcast)- https://www.facebook.com/amentalhealthbreak/
Twitter (Speaking)- https://twitter.com/vincentalanci
Twitter (Podcast)- https://twitter.com/PodcastsByLanci

Guest Name: Dr. Denise McDermott, “Dr. Denise” (https://www.drdenisemd.com/)
Website: (https://www.drdenisemd.com/)
Instagram (Business)- https://www.instagram.com/drdenisemd/
Facebook (Business)- https://www.facebook.com/DrDeniseMD

Digital Editing Name: Vincent A. Lanci (PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com)

Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden