Happy 2021 Ascension IN Motion!

Riding the wave of this pandemic is moment to moment for ALL of US.

Let’s be real, vulnerable and raw together.

Someone I care about was diagnosed with Covid-19 just after the strike of midnight entering into 2021.  I found out while we were wishing each other HAPPY NEW YEAR on the phone as their online tests revealed this unnerving news. My stomach dropped. We spent time discussing their next health steps, safety, protecting friends and family, and being mindful of letting contacts know.

WE can all relate to this scenario in someway at this moment in history.

I have patients that have lost family members, friends that have lost loved ones and our own family has had some scares too this year.

Prayers UP for ALL of US right NOW.

Let’s travel past this acknowledgement of the pandemic and ask ourselves,  “How can we maintain our own mental, physical and spiritual health?” in every moment of our lives especially in these unimaginable times.

It starts with AWARENESS. We have to be aware of our own physical and emotional state(s) to have greater SELF LOVE and the ability for self care. We need to also remember that we are in this TOGETHER. When individuals thrive WE all thrive. Cooperation and ALTRUISM on EARTH allow US to experience UNITY.

The UNIVERSAL TRUTHS of awareness, self love and altruism are foundational for health and wellbeing.

We have OUR unique Neurostyle, the way we each process and perceive our environment (biological, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural) so let’s think of  our own minds as their own “mini universes” to cultivate, love and take care of.

Our words, thoughts and actions carry a vibrational frequency that influence our health and those around US.

It is vital that WE make healthy personal choices in OUR day to day lives with our environment, nutrition, fitness, sleep, friendships, and also what WE MINDFULLY ingest when we are reading and participating in online news, media, and entertainment.

Everything is energy and can serve as “rocket fuel for SELF LOVE and HEALTH!

In 2016 I launched the Dr. Denise Show and my NOW International Brand provides content that helps all of us embrace health and wellbeing.

The Energy Of Love (& tools to go from crisis to thrive) is integrated into the content, thoughts and suggestions in all the media released inspired by my work as an doctor, intuitive and producer.

In reflection of 2020 and to transition into 2021 with grace, ease, self love and  empowerment I thought this post and a “where to find” these pearls of HEALTH AND WISDOM would give you Ascension Mindset Tools to reach your own personal thrive.



In 2020 I founded Ascension Media! 

Press Release Ascension Media

Here is SEASON 1 The Ascension:

United in Integrity to Elevate the Human Spirit

Altruism in Action to Elevate ALL

Integration: We Aspire to Inspire ALL

Unity: Questions Your Afraid to Ask 

Healing. Love. Hate. Divide. WTF 2020

Tune In. Be Aware. Access Your Channel Through The Ascension Medium

Gratitude In Action 

Loss, Suffering, Levity and LOVE

Challenges. Celebrations Ascension 2020 


Dr. Denise Show (Founded 2016)

You can listen to the podcast on DrDeniseMD.com, MHNRN. Also on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Alexa, Audible, Stitcher, IHeart Radio, TuneIN, Deezer, PANDORA and more…. 

Spirit Check 2021



Dr. Denise

(Dressed by Matt Sarafa with his Faux FUR ACTIVISM In Action Fashion)