DEEP DIVE Discussion on The DNA Company with Founder Kashif Khan, Embrace Your Neurosyle and Beyond

It is an honor to have Kashif Khan back on the show for a part 2 deep dive on the who, what and why about The DNA Company!

Kashif Khan is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of The DNA Company, a digital health company that uses genetic insights to develop genomics-based health management applications that offer patients precision healthcare tailored to their unique biology.

Kashif has taken his own knowledge of his unique DNA blueprint and made lifestyle changes that led to a DECADE of longevity personal gains with the help of functional medicine, he is 43, yet biomarkers reveal now age 33!

Amazing, right?

If you are wanting to know your genetic imprint and how to LIVE INTO your wellness with optimal health and highest level of EPIGENETIC OUTCOME tune in HERE: