Diva Discussions with Shay Mitchell

“WE can’t heal the parts of US that hurt if we are numb.” ~Shay

Hope, Healing and Happiness are words that come to mind after meeting Shay and hearing her journey of SOBRIETY and her unique one day at a time that started during the pandemic! 20 months…. WOOT WOOT!

Her light, her voice and her healing story today and on her IG feed (@shaysober) warms my heart and soul.

She and I discussed JOMO (joy of missing out), ININ (In Integrity), DEEP PLAY






and the power of OUR words, thoughts and actions.

Get ready to be INSPIRED:


Shay Mitchell

“I knew that sobriety would never work for me if I didn’t I knew that sobriety would never work for me if I didn’t create a life of fun, excitement, adventure, and happiness. So I set out to build a strong foundation for this new way of life.

I began an IOP (intensive outpatient program) where I attended group via zoom 3 hours a night, 3 nights a week, for 4 months. This helped me in so many ways from connecting with other alcoholics, to having assignments that helped provide insight into my disease. I also got a therapist that specialized in substance abuse and began seeing her weekly. She helped me through a lot of the trauma that I had been self-medicating to survive for so many years. I still see her  bi-weekly!

I found a Psychiatrist and got on the right prescriptions for depression, and anxiety and I also got on a once a month craving-blocker shot. (Not having cravings for alcohol was HUGE for my early recovery.) I was also on medicine for sleep and anger. (Today I am completely med free, but having these as I navigated early sobriety was very useful for me.)

I read a lot of quit lit (quitting literature) you can find a list on the resources page. These books really helped me to see the great parts of being sober, and that I would still be able to enjoy my life without alcohol.

Finally, I started a sober Instagram & Facebook page @shaysober to keep me accountable and as a daily reprieve in my pocket. I share there every day and love connecting with my sober instagram community.”

Other mentions:

Father’s Gift of Sobriety 

Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond 

Rocking a Betrayal