Meet Jen McNerney of Heart Rooted Healing!

Are you ready to learn about NET, Neuro- Emotional Technique?

Jen McNerney is a root cause frequency practitioner, specializing in modalities that get to the root of our imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit. Her pivot in career shifted about 6 years ago as she started to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Jen deep dives on the evolution of listening to her intuition, her inspiring healing path and her integrative wisdom in guiding others to their unique thrive plan.

Tune in here:

As a traditional speech language pathologist Jen gives gratitude during the interview to the kids, teens and adults over the years that she says were always really dialed into the unseen and connected to more of a frequency.

Her path led her to honing in with holistic tools for herself and her clients with:

  • Meditation
  • Energy Healing
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
  • Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA)
  • Theta Healing
  • EFT
  • Emotion and Body Code
  • And other intuitive healing techniques

She is a Masters Level Usui Reiki Practitioner and teacher. a certified Level 2 NET Practitioner, and is certified in Contact Reflex Analysis with plans to begin teaching metaphysical techniques to kids and adults as her next chapter.

She is also my beloved sister.

Love you Jen!


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