
Election Fatigue

Paul Sheesley weighs in with tips, tools & observations of top stressors executives and politicians in Washington D.C. are experiencing and how he is helping them ride the way of uncertainty on the eve of the election. Hearing Paul’s voice and his coping strategies definitely helped me, I hope they help you too. Paul […]

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Meet Dr. Diane Kaufman: Poet, Artist, Child Psychiatrist and Founder of The Hold on Campaign for Suicide Prevention

“The next time you want to kill yourself tell me and I will tell you the right way to do it.” -forgotten words revealed in this riveting episode. “How on earth can I become a psychiatrist if anyone knew I attempted suicide, let alone if I was hospitalized?’ – Diane Kaufman M.D., thoughts in real […]

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Mental Health Awareness with Kirk Patrick Miller

It is an honor to hear Kirk’s inspiring update on his continued winning battle with mental and physical challenges, especially on world mental health day! He and I deep dive on work life balance and his recent success with coming off diazepam! Tune in for holistic health tips and Kirk’s mental health journey on all […]

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The Love Tank by Author Andrea Mendoza Vasconez Ph.D

What an honor to interview Dr. Andrea! Press Release: The Love Tank Helps Young Children Understand the Importance of Extending Kindness to Others SAN DIEGO, California — When Andrea Mendoza-Vasconez’s 3-year-old daughter found her crying in response to news of a school shooting, the behavioral scientist struggled to find the words to answer her question: “What’s […]

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Executive Performance Counselor Paul Sheesley on Vulnerability, Self Care & Perfectionism

There are very few people who have more access to D.C.’s most powerful people than Paul Sheesley, a psychotherapist who empowers politicians and CEOs in Washington, D.C.. He helps his clients achieve balance in their personal and professional lives so they can reach their goals and make a significant impact. On today’s episode we discuss […]

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Meet Jen McNerney of Heart Rooted Healing!

Are you ready to learn about NET, Neuro- Emotional Technique? Jen McNerney is a root cause frequency practitioner, specializing in modalities that get to the root of our imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit. Her pivot in career shifted about 6 years ago as she started to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Jen deep […]

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Humanity Saved by Knowing the Shadow with Award Winning Author Victoria Lowery

“Anything is possible, as long as you believe it’s possible.”-Victoria Lowery Best selling and award-winning author Victoria Lowery devotes her life to helping others embrace and understand emotions. She had an inner knowing about birthing her consciousness adventure Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow. I could not put the book down as her writing style is […]

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