
Fourteen-Year-Old Kara Best on “How To Talk About Race” Part 2

Wow! I was so inspired by the show that just launched this week that I wanted to share the references that Kara Best mentioned. Thank you Cathleen, Andrea and Kara for making this week’s episode happen! ~Dr. Denise Here is show &… Kara’s Commentary: Thank you so much for having me! My March For Our Lives […]

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Fourteen-Year-Old Kara Best on”How To Talk About Race”

Dr. Andrea Best, Emmy Winning Reporter Cathleen O’Toole and I had the honor of sitting down with fourteen-year-old Kara Best to dive deep on “How To Talk About Race.” Kara started with community involvement began in elementary school with a nonprofit called SPEAK, where she worked with teens at Google headquarters. At the onset of […]

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Bridging Science, Spirituality and Psychology

It was an honor to be interviewed by Dr. Ward Bond. I am in synchrony with his vision of providing education & inspiration via media on ways to achieve optimal physical, mental and spiritual health! Dr. Denise Listen to EP 104 – Bridging Science, Spirituality and Psychology from Dr. Bond’s Life Changing Wellness on Apple […]

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Chris Gordon’s Wait 4 me App to Empower Social Change Globally!

Happy Father’s Day! Compassion in action. Creativity. Connection. Consciousness. Awareness. Synchronicity. Service. Integration. Multidimensional Wellbeing. Racial Wellness. Empowerment. Global Change. Ancestral Healing.  Words that come to mind as I launch part 2 podcast episode with Chris as we discuss his GLOBAL INITIATIVE that help those around the world who feel as there is “NO WAY OUT!”  I […]

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We ALL have a Voice!

Thank you Marjan Mamooie and Dr. Andrea Best for having this discussion. We are all processing a lot of emotions and wanting to address JUSTICE and NEW beginnings during these unprecedented times. Awareness and cultural sensitivity are hot topics that WE all want to address and it starts one conversation at a time. Listen here: […]

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Go INTO the Suffering When the Going Gets Tough

It was an honor to contribute to multiple media outlets this week in the article “The Top 10 Experts Share Their Tips for Overcoming Adversity.” Here is my contribution in the article above: Go INTO the Suffering When the Going Gets Tough. Denise McDermott M.D. “Face your suffering with a healthy mindset” is the […]

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Pandemic Mental Health Crisis and How To Stay Calm with Michel Pascal

The World Health Organization estimates that each year approximately one million people a year die from suicide.  With the unemployment rate sky rocketing, civil unrest and covid-19 on the rise again I can tell you that my patients are experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, and addiction to the point many are struggling with suicidal ideation. News […]

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Cam Adair on Quarantine & Gaming Addiction

Cam Adair is the founder of Game Quitters, the world’s largest support community for video game addiction, serving members in 95 countries. His work has been published in Psychiatry Research, and featured in two TEDx talks, NPR, BBC, Forbes, ABC 20/20, CNN, VICE, and Bloomberg, amongst many others. Listen here: Quarantine & Gaming Addiction By […]

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