Category: Podcasts

Pandemic Mental Health Crisis and How To Stay Calm with Michel Pascal

The World Health Organization estimates that each year approximately one million people a year die from suicide.  With the unemployment rate sky rocketing, civil unrest and covid-19 on the rise again I can tell you that my patients are experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, and addiction to the point many are struggling with suicidal ideation. News […]

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Cam Adair on Quarantine & Gaming Addiction

Cam Adair is the founder of Game Quitters, the world’s largest support community for video game addiction, serving members in 95 countries. His work has been published in Psychiatry Research, and featured in two TEDx talks, NPR, BBC, Forbes, ABC 20/20, CNN, VICE, and Bloomberg, amongst many others. Listen here: Quarantine & Gaming Addiction By […]

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On Alchemy with Dr. Denise and Dr. Best

The evolution of the launch of this series is mind-blowing to me! There are no coincidences. Only CO-Incidences. Dr. Best and I reunited after 20 years of practicing as integrative psychiatrists to record our first show a few weeks ago. When we hung up the phone we caught up and realized that our own personal […]

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Pandemic Addiction!

Cathleen O’Toole and Dr. Denise discuss right here: I am on the frontlines of mental health crisis’ every day. I have patients that have > suicidal thoughts & I have made home visits (outside/with masks) to help with addiction crisis’! As a society WE need to UNITE in honor of > awareness about the […]

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Meet Dr. Andrea Best, Integrative Adult and Child Psychiatrist

I am beyond excited to interview Integrative Adult and Child psychiatrist Dr. Andrea Best, my colleague from UCLA Child Psychiatry fellowship! We are both passionate about bridging science, spirituality and psychiatry. We are reuniting after almost 20 years and have found that through our experience as mothers, doctors and healers we have been on a […]

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Since the pandemic hit many of us have trouble knowing what day or time it is. All the days have the feeling of the movie “Ground Hog Day.” If you have not seen the movie it is essentially about the same day over and over again with slight variation. Let’s face it ~ summer is […]

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