I invite you to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. with Thomas Lane and I. I received an inspiring email that led to this interview on 1/16/23 recorded and released on MLK Day.
KING Music & Lyrics by Thomas Lane
In the Spring of '68, the bullets rose
From a sea of hate
In Memphis Town,
they gunned him down
And the hopes of a nation went underground
Blue skies full of holes, I cried beside the radio
It's all a lie, the King can’t die
But there's blood in the shadows
My world shattered like a window
The days are hard, the journey seems so long
I hear him calling, calling calling
to carry on
Silent moon above the angry tide
His ghost looks back from the mountainside
A restless force
A riderless horse
is standing neath the pale stars
and stamping on the graveyard
Musical Bridge
A garden grows in my back yard
I walk out there when the wind blows hard
A time for Spring, a time for kings
and I will stand on that Memphis street
and hear the triumph of his heartbeat
The days are hard, I struggle to stay strong
I hear him calling, calling to carry on
The work goes on, the dream will come to pass
I hear him calling, calling, calling... free at last
In Sacred Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr.:
The March on Washington
Maybe like you, on my journey towards clarity, there have been moments in my life where conflict and trouble seemed to melt away, leaving nothing but a bright constellation of formerly broken pieces in alignment: sometimes magical, sometimes comical, always profound.
There was a singular event that happened in my early teens when this experience occurred and became a North Star for my life. I was not alone. The same occasion impacted millions of others who bore witness to the spectacle: now etched in the history of our progress as a people –– simply referred to as The March on Washington.
Racism. The word itself seems bitter on the tongue. Even as a child, growing up in a progressive household, I could feel my stomach tighten when the subject came up…an instinctual outrage erupting over the cruelty and injustice to our black brothers and sisters –– instigated by a poisonous gene in our nation’s DNA.
These horrors were discussed frequently with my family at the dinner table. Particularly with my activist mother who, despite being a kind and compassionate woman, was privately a soul plagued by deep depressions who had lost the capacity for hope.
But then it became 1963 –– that moment in time when the cultural Tsunami of the ‘60s was beginning to take shape –– gaining conviction as it crossed the globe, invading countries, disrupting the carefully mapped blueprints for lives of quiet desperation.
This call for change came to me via books, music and Eastern thought. In wave after wave of new perspectives, it pounded against the thin shell of my white middle-class childhood, demanding something new and different; an activity, a state of mind…but remained formless until finally crystalizing into a single objective: join The March On Washington.
On August 28th, 1963 I did so.
Early that morning, a friend and I made the long journey from New Haven to DC. I didn’t inform my parents I was going. I simply made up a shore story… and went. My reasoning was simple and telling. I wanted to avoid my mother’s negativity tainting my experience.
I tried brushing aside my guilt for this as I boarded the bus. But it accompanied me throughout the long bumpy ride.
Much of the detail and circumstance have fled from memory. But what thundered across my world was the awesome fact that I was there! I had arrived! I was in Washington DC, taking a stand with brothers and sisters. Metaphorically speaking, I was joining a march that I had been part of, ever since the day I learned how to walk.
Stepping down from the bus, I was immediately caught up in the jubilations of a kindred cause…the sight and sound of thousands and thousands of individuals flooding the National Mall…a pilgrimage transcending personal agendas to stand shoulder to shoulder with complete strangers….streaming down hills, stepping across roads to assemble in solidarity before a small stage cluttered with microphones and officials –– all overseen by the watchful eye of the Lincoln Memorial.
And there we were. Carrying banners, singing gospels and folksongs with purposeful joy that spread across this diversity of the human spirit …swollen with this moment of unity.
Thereafter, the inspiration rained down… talks by John Lewis and Roy Wilkins, performances by Mahalia Jackson, Marian Anderson, Peter, Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez …to name a few. All setting the stage in emotional crescendo, to introduce me to the man who would become mentor and hero…the Rev. Martin Luther King. It was here that he gave his “I have a dream” speech…solidifying his meaning for this moment in time; that would echo his messages to us for generations to come. I listened with my heart as he guided us through his vision, his commitment to peace and brotherhood…and his call from the mountain top…free at last, free at last!
It was an epiphany for me…the puzzle had called its pieces, letting my inner, troubled fragments settle into something whole and lit.
Somewhere, during this moment, I spotted a woman, sitting alone beside the Reflecting Pool, looking out on the Washington Monument. Somehow familiar? Stepping closer, I recognized and approached. Standing behind her, smiling with tears in my eyes, I reached around my mother’s thin frame, and cupped her eyes with my hands. In a shaky voice I said,…”Guess who?”
She didn’t have to guess, Without a word, she reached out to touch my hand with her hand…a mother’s tenderness, then turned sideways to catch my eye. The look that passed between us over a half century ago is still traveling within me now as I write these words.
Raised in Connecticut, Thomas Lane is a multi-dimensional creative drawn to spaces where art, spirit, and social justice intersect. He is the author of The Artists’ Manifesto, a tribute to the power of the arts and its value to a society that has forgotten the precious nature of life.
In addition to creating a collection of poetry, screenplays and paintings, he recently recorded a CD of his songs, entitled Hotel Earth under the stage name Trakker.
Politically active since his teens, Thomas subsequently created The Helen Hudson Foundation, a nonprofit focused on social issues including homelessness, racism and the environment. He currently lives with his wife in Rhode Island.
Dr. Denise Berger (Dr. D) helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve growth with purpose. She brings together practice-based, hands-on experience – having run a global Fortune 500 business group, with strategy consulting expertise – in the areas of social responsibility, risk management, international business, leadership development and DEIB progression, and academic research-based knowledge and wisdom. As a graduate-level educator of leadership and service in Pepperdine’s Social Change & Entrepreneurship program, Dr. D develops curriculum and teaches contemporary theories and practices in collaborative, agile and inclusive leadership. As an organizational effectiveness expert Dr. D focuses on inclusive culture, leadership and talent development, and outcomes-based strategy. Dr. D spent over 20 years in corporate America, received a MBA in Marketing and International Business, and received her Doctorate in Organizational Leadership, with a dissertation focus on how the largest U.S. Global Fortune 500s do CSR “the right way” and why. Dr. D is a partner at Social Justice Partners LA. She has coached many non-profits, including CNN Heroes and TedTalk speakers. She is on the board of the Environmental Charter School and Open Temple. Finally, Dr. D. is a PQ® (Positive Intelligence) Coach for leaders looking to have greater impact in the world. She also happens to be a jewelry designer and founded alikidesigns.com.
Meet Thomas Katovsky and Marchia Carnicelli Minor CoPublishers of the oldest holistic newspaper “Healthy Referral” in print in the USA on our time capsule journey of their vision and evolution that began in 1986.
Their Divine Assignment includes a radio show “Mind Your Body and Spirit” and hosting 15 Natural Expos and meeting with visionaries of our time such as Patch Adam’s, Ram Dass, and Arun Gandhi, Gandhi’s grandson.
ASK about Special Edition: Employee Preventive Health Report
Education: Shaker HS 1972, BS Miami U 1976, MA Kent State U 1978 /Masters Thesis: Relationship Various Visual Skills to Tennis
Marchia Carnicelli Minor, copub Healthy Referral Newspaper and Radio host Mind Your Body and Spirit Radio Show
Ms. Minor’s background includes ~ “proud mother of three”~ Grandmother of 4 ~ Lover of LIFE ~ Past Real Estate Agent ~ teacher of Dance Aerobics, the YMCA’s Way to a Healthy Back Program ~ Trainer of Trainers for the YMCA’s Way to Weight Management ~ graduate of the Landmark Personal Development course ~ she is originally from the Uniontown, PA, area.
Ms Minor is also on The National Health Federation Advisory Board. www.thenhf.com is the oldest health freedom organization in the world.
Longer Bios!
Goal: To Build An International Tennis Learning Center for Youth Modeled after the Israel Tennis Centers Thomas Katovsky Background tom.tennis@yahoo.com/healthyreferral@gmail.com /216-317-1185 / 347-687-9355 www.healthyreferral.com (copublisher the country’s only full size newspaper on natural health and positive news)
ASK about Special Edition: Employee Preventive Health Report
Education: Shaker HS 1972, BS Miami U 1976, MA Kent State U 1978 /Masters Thesis: Relationship Various Visual Skills to Tennis
Tennis Background: *Varsity Tennis Coach Kent State 3 seasons
*Varsity Tennis Coach John Carroll U. 3 seasons
*Instructor Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland
*Worked with Ron Steele, former Davis Cup Coach Israel
*Coached Israel Tennis Center in Tel Aviv
*Camp with Wayne Sabin He reached the final of the men’s doubles competition at the U.S. National Championships (now US Open). He partnered with Gardnar Mulloy and lost the final in straight sets against Jack Kramer and Ted Schroeder
*Lessons with Jack March who Promoted World Championship Tennis promoting the World Pro Championships from 1951 through 1964.
*Attendee at 7 USTA National Conferences
*Attendee weekend workshop: Dance of Tennis at Omega Institute with Jena Marcovici
*Attendee workshop: Zen and Tennis with Torben Ulrich for Davis Cup and Tour Player in the 60s’, 70’s
*Graduate USPTA Teaching Academy Kansas City, Bill Murphy teacher
*Article published USPTA Magazine
*Attendee Jim Loehr’s Mental Tennis Weekend workshop, Hilton Head, SC
*Graduate Vic Braden Tennis Academy, Coto De Caza, CA 1976
*Graduate Van Der Meer Academy, Sweetbriar, VA 1977
*Former member USPTA and USPTR
*Lecture at USTA and HPER conference in Pittsburgh
*Lecture at Michigan High School Tennis Coaches Conference
*Volunteer Coach Sport for Understanding Coach for US youth group traveled to Denmark
*Former teaching pro and manager Mill Creek Creek Racquet Club in Cleveland
*Taught at Reserve Square arranged matches with Yugoslavian Consulate
*Assisted with Velamints USTA Pro Women’s Satellite Tournament, Mill Creek, Cleveland, OH
*Developed junior training program with travel team ages 10-17. Cities included: Toronto, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Indianapolis, S. Bend, Toledo, Erie. Former students accomplishments included: scholarship at U of Kansas, top 10 in the country Division III Emory, U, teaching pro Cincinnati, OH, and sports marketing agent
*Coached S Miles, touring pro, winner of US fast serve contest.
*Cofounder Tennis Reaching Youth, an organization to help inner city youth. Programs included teachers workshop at Cleveland State U, Case Western Reserve, Max Hayes, Whitney Young, African American Picnic at Luke Easter Park with AD from Morehouse, clinic Olivet Inst. Baptist Church (Rev Dr Otis Moss, Jr.) Goal to build international tennis learning center for youth.
*Head Pro Lake Forest Country Club, 5 seasons, Hudson, OH
*copublisher Healthy Referral Newspaper, a full size international newspaper, est 1989. On natural health and positive news *Producer Mind Your Body Radio Show for over 10 years and International Natural Foods and Health Expo for 15 yrs with exhibitors and speakers from around the world including Mahatma Gandhi’s Grandson. Publisher Preventive Health Report. Big Brothers for 5 years. Little brother Lee Unkrich won Academy Award for Directing Toy Story III for Pixar!
30 Years of Wholistic Resources for YOUR Well-Being!Invite Wholistic Health Educator, Radio Host, & Publisher – Educate YOUR: Guests, Staff, Company & Community…Introducing
Marchia Carnicelli Minor, copub Healthy Referral Newspaper and Radio host Mind Your Body and Spirit Radio Show
Brief Background:
Ms. Minor’s background includes ~ “proud mother of three”~ Grandmother of 4 ~ Lover of LIFE ~ Past Real Estate Agent ~ teacher of Dance Aerobics, the YMCA’s Way to a Healthy Back Program ~ Trainer of Trainers for the YMCA’s Way to Weight Management ~ graduate of the Landmark Personal Development course ~ she is originally from the Uniontown, PA, area.
Ms Minor is also on The National Health Federation Advisory Board. www.thenhf.com is the oldest health freedom organization in the world.
Ms. Minor Can Speak on a Variety of Topics. Her radio show Mind Your Body & Spirit has featured a wide array of guests such as:
Dr Christopher Hills-pioneer in spirulina super foods and the world hunger issue
Ram Dass, author on spirituality
Mladen Golubic, M.D., Ph.D. Cleveland Clinic- Vegetarian Cancer Prevention Diet
Actor Dennis Weaver- ecology and hunger issue
Patch Adams, M.D., laughter and healing
Arun Gandhi, Gandhi’s grandson- Solving issues with Peace as the foundation.
Lewis Mehl Madrano, M.D., Native American Healing;
Gabriel Cousens, M.D., national author on Conscious Eating:
Susan Bradley, author on relationships;
Howard Lyman, the famous cattleman that was sued for his appearance on the Oprah show for exposing the meat industry. Listen to Marchia blogtalkradio.com/mindyourbodyandspirit
Marchia is also the co-founder
15 yr running annual Int’l Natural Health & Foods Expo ~ A Conscious Inspiration with exhibitors & speakers from around the world ~
Founder/creator of “Dance of Spirit” Sacred Dance Performance along with her workshop entitled, “Re-Awaken” Your Spiritual Essence thru Music/Sound & Movement. She has performed “Dance of Spirit” & facilitated her workshop throughout the country/& touching internationally.
Contact: Speaking, Workshops, Educator in Residence.
Wow… I received a “good news text” from Gary last night that evolved into a spontaneous inspiring interview.
Gary Goodridge (aka ‘Big Daddy’) is a nine-time world champion arm wrestler; a boxing champion; a lethal Ultimate Fighting Championship contender; and a renowned Mixed Martial Arts warrior. In Japan in the MMA world he was a celebrity compared to Michael Jordan. In early 2012, he was diagnosed with early onset of dementia and due to his many brain injuries, he also lives with depression.
2023 UPDATE:
Gary has not only overcome his mental health struggles with depression he is maintaining his current cognition!
His inner circle and team of Angels that he has DEEP Gratitude for include:
Sharon Goodridge (Sister), Susie (Sister)
Cindy Mckeown (Life Partner)
Josephine Isele – African Queen & Business Partner
He is now President of the AFC (African Fight Club) in partnership with Josephine Isle and will be spending half of his year in Canada and half in Africa.
“Dr. Denise, you need to see the movie, Concussion, with Will Smith. It depicts exactly what I have experienced living with depression and dementia, ” encouraged Gary Goodridge, legendary MMA UFC and Pride fighter. That is exactly what I did before interviewing him this week. I didn’t stop there. I read his book “Gatekeeper: The Fighting Life of Gary ‘Big Daddy” Goodridge”, researched the NFL’s as well as the MMA’s policies on dealing with head injury, and read countless articles on CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephelopathy). In 2012 Gary was diagnosed with early onset dementia and depression and his doctors said that he was exhibiting symptoms similar to other professional athletes that on autopsy were diagnosed with CTE.
What is CTE? Dr. Bennet Omalu and colleagues in the Department of Pathology at University of Pittsburgh together published in the journal Neurosurgery in 2005 an article called, “Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in a National Football League Player.” Dr. Omalu’s autopsy of former Pittsburgh Steelers Mike Webster in 2002 revealed large accumulations of tau protein in Webster’s brain, affecting mood, emotions, and executive functions similar to the way clumps of beta-amyloid protein contributes to Alzheimer’s.
According to the Brain Injury Research Institute founded by Dr. Julian E. Bailes, M.D.,Dr. Bennet Omalu M.D. and Robert P. Fitzsimmons in 2002 ( protectthebrain.org ):
“Since the 1920’s the term dementia pugilistica or “punch-drunk“ syndrome has been known as it has occurred in boxers. Dementia pugilistica is actually a variant of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which is itself a serious type of brain damage resulting from repeated concussions and is found in many professional athletes and military personnel who have been subjected to multiple impacts to the head.
Severe concussions and mild traumatic brain injury are both capable of causing CTE, and the likelihood of developing this condition is increased with the number of impacts.”
“Big Daddy”, Gary Goodridge has a true samurai spirit both in and outside of the ring. He reports his medication is helping with aggression and depression. He has been given cognitive strategies to help him keep sharp with his recent cognitive decline: keeping a day planner to help with short-term memory and maintaining structure to his day. Walking his dogs, and spending time with his daughters and family give him the most joy. “The gym really helps me~my own workouts as well as teaching children keeps me inspired.” He spoke about this on the interview. He also spoke about the need for rest in between fights and other tips he thinks could have helped him to minimize repeated head trauma. “I would have had second thoughts about fighting if I knew then what I would be experiencing now,” he mentioned during another discussion. He and I spoke about his desire to provide for his family as well as his natural ability as a fighter keeping him engaged in the sport. Gary’s love of his daughters and his desire to be a role model and advocate for mental health awareness is giving him the hope and inspiration to fight on while living with depression and dementia.
In Discover’s July/August 2016 article by Jeff Wheelwright, “Ahead of the Hit,” it was pointed out that the science is still gray on CTE and predicting the effects of impacts. Dr. Ann McKee and her group at Boston University continue to define and help with the consensus of the definition of the neurodegenerative disorder CTE.
In my professional opinion as a Mother and as a Doctor my consensus opinion is “Protect your brain and your child’s brain.” That is it. It is common sense.
Avoid or minimize head trauma.
Avoid or minimize substance use.
Seek out treatment for mental health and focus on lifestyle habits that promote well-being.
If you or your child play a contact sport and are having any changes in behavior or changes in cognition contact your physician at early onset to prevent any long-term neurodegenerative consequences.
Routine physicals are mandatory for optimal health.
Our children need us to be advocates for their health and well being. If we can encourage participation in sports and extracurricular activities that minimize head trauma and concussions we are doing our job to protect our children.
Thank you, Gary Goodridge for sharing your story, you have taught me a lot and have inspired me in many ways. Twitter: @GaryHGoodrich
I am excited and honored to kick off the Creative Minds Series with meditation teacher, singer and director Michel Pascal to discuss Yoganandance!
“Michel Pascal creates the first Spiritual Immersive Experience.” – LA Entertainment Weekly
“Why a Spiritual Immersive Musical?
I wanted to combine the spectacular immersive experience like Van Gogh with the emotion of a live spiritual musical.
After the success of the world Premiere of Yoganandance Musical at Millennium Biltmore Hotel, I realize how people wanted to feel the Presence of Yogananda. More than ever, we need to feel the Divine Energy, specially in our world today.
The audience will be in the middle of the 360 Immersive projections!!” – Michel Pascal
Let’s go 2023!
Michel Pascal and I start today’s episode with a meditation myth busting conversation.
As we start our New Year and take inventory and manifest our goals, dreams and visions it is important to pause and to reflect on how to truly BE in the present moment.
“First WE need to calm our mind.” – Michel Pascal
Easier said than done, right?
Calmness comes in many flavors.
This episode is filled with tips on BEing calmness, a discussion on leaning away from spiritual ego, and how to ADAPT our wellness routines to the modern times.
A reverent description of Yoganandance is celebrated.
Tune IN here:
Yoganandance, starting January 15th, 2023. Tickets here.
MICHEL PASCAL Michel Pascal is a transformational and spiritual multi-talented artist, meditation teacher, singer, composer, photographer, film director, and author dedicated to supporting underserved populations – including LA’s hardened population of parolees. An author of 20 books on spirituality, Including “Instants sacrés” with HH Dalai Lama and “Meditation for Daily Stress, 10 practices for immediate well-being” A book that describes all his new approach of Meditation. Who has taught to VA US Army for the Chaplains at Veterans Center in Sandiego, Firemen NYC, Psychotherapists, Google, 911 customer service, Google, Nestle, Harvard University, John Hopkins University, Columbia University, Pratt, Stony Brookes University, Yola At LA Yola Schools of Gustavo Dudamel, Aspire Pacific Academy, Dharma Yoga Center NYC/LA. He is the director of the We Are Never Alone film, one of the solutions of the Never Alone movement for Suicide prevention and Mental Health. As a singer Pascal has performed his “Medicine Voice” concerts several times at Carnegie Hall in NYC. This year he will perform the Christmas concert 2021. He has been singing with famous musicians like Myron McKinley, music Director of Earth, Wind and Fire, Verdine White Co Founder of Earth, Wind and Fire, Paul Pesco, Mark Ledford (vocalist of Pat Metheny Group), and many more…
Dating and image expert Kimmy Seltzer is back to kick off the Diva Discussions series just in time for Superbowl Single’s Sunday or what is essential the “playoff season” in the Dating Universe.
Let’s go LOVE in 2023!
Kimmy’s Charisma Quotient is defined and reveals the importance of style, emotional and social intelligence in attracting your potential match.
Kimmy Seltzer is a Confidence Therapist, Authentic Dating Strategist and Image Expert. With a vat of knowledge and experience as a therapist, certified style coach, dating coach, and matchmaker, she has helped people find lasting love and connection, attract success and build valuable relationships using her unique “confidence makeover” process. Using an outside-in approach, Kimmy implements targeted style, emotional and social intelligence in people’s lives using her signature formula, “The Charisma Quotient,” working on body language, first impressions, image/wardrobe and flirting and how it impacts attraction. This Los Angeles-based expert travels the country helping people discover confidence, charisma and connection as a speaker at National Matchmaking Conferences, eHarmony, Neutrogena, The Guild at Universal, UCLA and iDate. Kimmy is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post with appearances in Cosmopolitan, Oprah Magazine, Redbook, Reader’s Digest, AskMen, Fox News Magazine, Yahoo and the Washington Examiner, among a myriad of other publications. Kimmy has been the leading love expert on the traveling live dating show The Great Love Debate, a show on Amazon Live with SwayTv, Kimmy’s Love Hub and the cable reality series, The Romance. You can also listen to her on her podcast, The Charisma Quotient.
It is a time of reflection for us to start our year and continue our own unique ININ, “In Integrity” of the highest level of awareness and self love to reach our unique mind, body & soul wellness.
Easier said than done.
How do we stay on track?
G. Beverly Bergmann joins the discussion with a deep dive on the Integrity Balance of our Linears (chores, mundane tasks) and Nonlinears (dreams, visions, intuitive hits) which includes vulnerable shares about her unique neurostyle.
The “Empath Haven Effect” is defined with tangible examples of the importance of mindful pauses and time outs that refresh us and reduce stress to enjoy our life and accomplish our goals.
Tune IN:
Lists, papers, tablets, laptops, guidelines, timelines, “line-lines,” each one in its own right a practical method for creating a clear path to personal organization and productivity with the end-result in crossing out or deleting “lines.”
Integrity is integral in addressing the linear and establishing a bases that stimulates balance. The simple action of moving forward with each task is quite satisfying especially when you can see those tasks completed in the physical form, which also may be the mental filing cabinet, transparent yet solid in belief.
Satisfaction, after all, is Nebulous yet decided felt.
Is LINEAR always a straight line? Definitely Not. It is action-oriented, multifaceted, multidirectional, moving and functioning in many layers, sometimes simultaneously.
It is the discipline of honoring yourself with an Earnest desire to complete, and get out of the way, tasks that are humdrum, yet are required to keep us on a path of straightness to Achieve harmony and balance in the reality of day-to-day existence. Really!
Satisfaction, relief, joy, and the Reward of personal accomplishment is an end-result that is further recognized within our consciousness that feeds and nurtures Positivity. It might even be Healing. I know it is for me!
by G. Beverly Bergmann
G. Beverly Bergmann is a champion for children who are at risk and with developmental disabilities, an author of prayerful prose for personal reflection, inspiration and emotional health, and has played an integral part in maintaining and introducing music instruction into the greater Los Angeles area since the 70’s. She is Chairman Emeritus with the Board of Directors for Young Musicians Foundation and has funded the Bergmann Technology Labs where music technology programs explore the ways in which music engages with technology through composition and the performance process.
Bergmann graduated Magna Cum Laude from Pepperdine University with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Data Processing. She holds a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology from University of Santa Monica (USM), and a post-graduate Certificate in Consciousness, Health and Healing, additionally from USM. She is an ordained Deacon and Elder with the Presbyterian Church. Bergmann is also the Co-Founder of the Holiday Wish List Toy Drive for SHARE, Inc. Later this year her series of books, entitled “Love, Life and Light,” will be released.
It is an absolute honor to have Jennifer Shaffer as my last guest of 2022 to have discussions on gratitude, chaos, suffering and ALCHEMY in Motion.
Thank you so much Jen for sharing your wisdom and heartfelt advice during a time of “touch and go” emotions for your family.
Prayers for continued health for your beloved mother and for anyone tuning in that is suffering or has a loved one struggling physically, mentally or spiritually.
This is a vulnerable “intuitive freestyle” episode that will take you on a ride that leaves you with tips, tools and more that will guide you gracefully into 2023.
Listen here:
Jennifer Shaffer
Internationally Recognized Intuitive Spiritual Medium, Investigative Case Expert, Medical Intuitive and Wine and Spirit Platform Reading Gallery Event Enthusiast 🥂
Subject of Four Bestselling Books and Two Short Films on Gaia by Award-Winning Filmmaker, Director and Author Richard Martini, “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” Volumes l, ll, lll and most recently “Tuning into the Afterlife”
Weekly Guest on Hacking the Afterlife YouTube Podcast Richard Martini Martinizone
Social Activism Award Winner, Best American Psychics Psychic of the Year
Guest on Hollywood on Top Celebrity Secrets, Teen Mom, True Crime, Monica the Medium, Below Deck and Ricki Lake.
Investigation Cases Profiled on Crime Time, Dr. Phil, Oxygen and 20/20
Teacher and Case Expert for Law Enforcement and FBI Officials
Founding Member of JS Intuitive Investigations Academy and JS Investigation Alliances
“Music has always been my way of healing.” -Emily at Best
Emily takes us on her ascension journey describing the lyrics that dropped into her awareness at a time in her childhood that allowed her to express her true feelings to her parents months before her father had a fatal car accident.
She authentically shares her intuitive path, her vulnerabilities and her CREATIVE WHY that was ignited at age 10.
Join us for exciting news and deep discussions right here:
Emily at Best is a multi-faceted songwriter, musician, producer, engineer, and visual
artist hailing from Los Angeles, CA. Her name is derived from her desire to emphasize
how we are all beautiful works in progress, until the day we die. At our best and our
worst, we are ourselves. Having become familiar with loss at a young age, music has
always been an outlet of healing for Emily. Her intention in releasing music is to use
her unique voice and honest vulnerability to guide others through their own healing.
This world can be a difficult place, but what a special experience it is to be in it
Emily started writing music at age 10 as a way to make sense of the world around her.
When she asked for a microphone for her 11th birthday, her parents expected her to
use it for karaoke- instead, she sang her original songs, communicating deep emotions
that both moved and surprised those who listened. She continued writing and
performing music throughout high school, playing venues such as The Mint and Bar 20
on Sunset. After graduating high school, Emily went on to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston. She is currently finishing up her senior year as a major in Contemporary Writing and Production with a minor in Music Technology.
No matter what I say I know I’m breathing and That should be enough for me Most days, it calms my mind down Some days, it freaks me out All I know I can say Is that my feet don’t always Hold me to the ground More than unlikely They let me fly But I don’t want wings if they are shaky They lift me high But most days, I’m afraid of heights They let me fly But most days, I’m afraid of heights They lift me high But I don’t want wings if they are shaky Most days, most days, most days Most days, most days, I’m afraid of Most days, most days, most days Most days, most days, I’m afraid of Keep it to myself, and it becomes a mess Oh All I know I can say Is that my feet don’t always Hold me to the ground No They let me fly But I don’t want wings if they are shaky They lift me high But most days, I’m afraid of heights They let me fly But most days, I’m afraid of heights They lift me high But I don’t want wings if they are shaky Most days, most days, most days Most days, most days, I’m afraid of Most days, most days, most days Most days, most days, I’m afraid of Oh Oh No worry, no matter
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