Meet Founder Donna Andersen: Rocking A Betrayal Series

Season 2 of Rocking A Betrayal is kicked off with Author of “Love Fraud: How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan” & Founder of!

Donna says “Sociopaths hijack the human bonding system.”

Three steps of a sociopath hunt:

1)Upon meeting their victims they assess “do they have anything they want?”

2)What are their victims vulnerabilities?

3)Then they target the vulnerabilities.

***Extroversion, Investment in Relationships, & Cooperativeness are top 3 traits women who are conned have that attract the sociopath.

Donna and Dr. Denise do a Deep Dive on their experiences with sociopaths personally and professionally.

This episode is packed with tips, tools and more:

Donna Andersen is creator of, a website that teaches people to recognize and recover from sociopaths. She is the author of eight books, including Senior Sociopaths — How to recognize and escape lifelong abusers (May 2022), Red Flags of Love Fraud—10 signs you’re dating a sociopath, the Red Flags of Love Fraud Workbook and the four-part Best of the Lovefraud Blog series. She learned about sociopaths the hard way, by marrying one, and tells the whole outrageous story in her first book, Love Fraud.

Donna founded Lovefraud Education and Recovery, a nonprofit that offers webinars to help survivors and professionals identify, escape and recover from sociopaths, including narcissists, psychopaths and other manipulators. She is co-author of two scientific papers and has presented research to the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy.

Donna has appeared on Investigation Discovery TV shows including Love, Honor, Betray; Deadly Women and Who the Bleep Did I Marry? She also appeared on Insightin Australia, ABC News 20/20, My Life is a Lifetime Movie, Handsome Devils and The Ricki Lake Show. She has been interviewed for multiple radio shows, print articles and online articles. She graduated from Syracuse University with degrees in psychology and journalism. Donna is happily remarried, proving that recovery from betrayal is possible.

Show Notes

Season 1 Rocking a Betrayal 

Without Conscience

The Era of the Sociopath 


Self awareness and Sacred Sexuality Interview with Dr. Denise McDermott

Kimmy Seltzer:

“Finding a healthy, fulfilling love relationship is only possible once you love yourself! You’ve heard it all before, but did you know that deep self awareness is key to achieving true self love?

This week, I interview Dr. Denise McDermott, a board-certified, practicing psychiatrist who joins the show for a conversation on how self awareness can unlock the best version of you when it comes to love.
Becoming more self aware means being brutally honest with yourself, your beliefs, values & biases & being willing to honestly express your truth to others.
It’s not always easy, but as Dr. Denise & I talk about, it’s essential to finding a partner or love relationship that is right for you. You’ll hear about how awareness is the foundation for Dr. Denise’s paradigm for creating happiness & much more.
Listen in to hear an amazing tip on how to actively encourage change in your life when you’re ready for something new.
When you actively choose to become aware of who you truly are, you will be able to access a deep self love that will open you up to new opportunities for love.
Tap the link below now to listen:

What A Day! What A Week! On Staying Sane…


From too many tow trucks to a late-night email from school, we can all have a “day!”  Or, by Friday the over-scheduled work days can leave us saying, “What a week!”  So how do you stay sane when you’re overwhelmed, angry or sad?  The “On Staying Sane” crew has a reverent discussion about coping with what life throws at you!  Dr. Denise and Cathleen O’Toole talk about how fun, good things can also be stressors.  Topics covered:  “Strategic Mindful Profanity,” Catastrophic Thinking and Negative Self-Talk.  You’ll learn how to identify a situation, allow yourself to feel, call out the emotion and use the energy to get more done.  Tapping into your higher power, mind medicine and setting boundaries — we’re turning your week around!

Right here:

Adaptive Perfectionism 


My Son, My Teacher

My almost teen son agreed to be back on for a new mini-series, My Son, My Teacher. “You have to let me be myself, Mom.” We negotiated no profanity on the show (mindful profanity is ok at home)…

Meet Kieran two years later:

***I did not pay him.
Show Notes:

Another Zoom Bites the Dust

When can I be on your show Mom

Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with Bipolar Activist Gabe Howard

Interviewing Gabe Howard today is my equivalent of winning the “Universe Lottery!”


Gabe is a mental health warrior and paradigm progression pioneer in myth busting and shame shifting discussions on changing the way WE think, talk and act about mental health!

Ready to BE inspired?


Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the host of the award-winning podcast, “Inside Mental Health” from Healthline Media and the author of the popular book, “Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations,” available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from the author.


Gabe makes his home in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. He lives with his wife, Kendall, and a Miniature Schnauzer dog that he never wanted, but now can’t imagine life without. To learn more about Gabe, please visit his website,





Creative Minds Series with Todd Cochrane CEO of Blubrry Podcasting

Your Voice Matters!

This is a Deep Dive interview with Podcast Pioneer Visionary & CEO Todd Cochrane.

His passion for allowing people of all race, gender, age and sexuality to have a voice and devotion to freedom of speech through the medium of podcasting is truly inspiring.

This episode of Creative Minds has loads of tips & tools if you are thinking about putting your hat in the podcast arena.

Are you ready to hear about his series of intuitive entrepreneur hits, aka AHA moment(s) that birthed Geek News Central Podcast and the genesis of RAW Voice, Blubrry Podcast Platform and more?

Let’s GO:

Todd Cochrane Bio

Todd Cochrane, CEO of Blubrry Podcasting, wrote the book on podcasting. Well, at least the first one: “Podcasting: The Do-It-Yourself Guide.” The founder of the People’s Choice Podcast Awards and the Tech Podcast Network, he’s also credited with introducing the first advertisers into podcasting, GoDaddy. Cochrane was inducted into the inaugural class of the Podcast Hall of Fame in 2015. But perhaps his biggest influence on podcasting is Blubrry Podcasting and its parent company RawVoice, which offers a directory of more than 3.75 Million shows, the No. 1 plugin for WordPress, and much more. A United States Navy Veteran who served 25 years and retired with the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer, Cochrane resides in Quincy, Michigan, having spent the majority of the past 25 years in Honolulu, Hawaii, with his family.

Show Notes:

Curve Balls and Cool Pauses

Dr. D Leading with Integrity

Prayers for Ukraine, Peace for HUMANITY 

Meet Author Lyn Barrett: Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond

Today is March 5th and is Dissociative Identity Disorder Day which affects 2% of the population. Many people are unaware of what this disorder is, and here to educate US & tell her healing journey from her crisis to thrive is author Lyn Barrett.

Listen here:


Lyn Barrett is the author of Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory, (publication date January 3, 2022), Koehler Books; and also DID Unpacked: A Parable available on Amazon.

Lyn  is a speaker, retreat leader and survivor of early childhood trauma as well as a retired elementary school teacher, school principal and church pastor. At the age of 45, Lyn was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, now known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). From happy wife and mother to a suicidal woman who felt the crazy fog of dissociation take over her life, she embarked on a journey to uncover the secrets that overwhelmed her. After suffering decades of inner chaos and deep pain, Lyn  now lives a fulfilling and integrated life and considers herself a whole person again. Lyn is thankful for her wonderful therapist, friends and her own dogged determination to heal.

Lyn currently facilitates writers workshops and teaches a memoir class for dissociative writers, writes weekly blogs and a newsletter, and speaks on public radio, podcasts, and in other settings.  She holds advanced degrees from Lehigh University and Lancaster Theological Seminary. She can be reached through her websites at and


Can Lyn reclaim her sanity in the midst of chaos and confusion?

A happy wife and mother who loved nothing more than taking care of her brood, Lyn Barrett was knocked off course by a family crisis that triggered her inner world to crumble. Her diagnosis of multiple personality disorder, now known as dissociative identity disorder, threatened her life as she knew it, her family, and her future. With the knowledge that DID is a coping strategy young children use to protect themselves from chronic trauma, Lyn embarked on a journey to discover her true self.

Lyn’s story is a life-changing gift for all the survivors of trauma and those who love them, and for anyone who wants to educate themselves on trauma-induced dissociation particularly as it manifests as DID. There are resources listed in the back of the book as well as a reading discussion guide for groups.


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