The world needs help. We’ve just seen the death of TV news personality/Miss USA Cheslie Kryst of suicide. It’s news that certainly can be triggering for some. In this week’s podcast, Dr. Denise talks about the days, weeks and months she spends helping souls to stay on this planet. You’ll learn about “Mindful Ingestion” of troubling news, how to cope with it and alchemize it. Cathleen talks about how the news media handles the coverage of suicide and asks Dr. Denise about the copycat phenomenon of taking one’s life. Hear about Dr. Denise’s “grab and go” philosophy and her “Name It to Claim It” technique that can pay off at your home, your office or in the world around you.
The episode takes a close look at suicide and we wanted to provide information about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and a new nationwide number that will be available to every phone in the United States.
The episode might be for you… or someone you love:
Thankfully Kirk Patrick Miller and his family are alive after the unimaginable tragedy, The Marshall fire that his community experienced in Boulder County on the cusp of entering 2022.
It was a gift to spend time with him today and hear his vulnerability and how he is pacing himself moment to moment one day at a time trying to HEAL mind, body and soul and hold sacred space for his students, his family and his community.
Pearls of wisdom and tools to thrive and pacing yourself in a time of crisis are right here:
Awareness of your own UNIQUE way you process and perceive the environment, your NEUROSTYLE, is CRUCIAL in pacing yourself and allowing self love & self care to reach your optimal potential during our thrive and challenge moments.
“PEACE OF MIND is found in the MOMENT OF NOW!”~ Dr. Denise
Kirk Patrick Miller is an award nominated author and violinist. Suffering with bipolar one, ADHD, OCD, and generalized anxiety, his life was upended when he refused to give in to the diagnoses he was labeled with. After becoming the first medically documented case of full remission from bipolar, due to his unique endocrine treatment method he was asked to write his memoir, “Chaos to Cured.”
Now, ten years after writing his memoir he stands as a testament to hope and perseverance. Stable and successful, Mr. Miller runs a music institute, is a professional painter, author, speaker, and radio personality.
His desire to help others find hope comes from being granted a second chance he believes everyone deserves. First and foremost he stands against shame and judgment of any kind.
Mr. Miller believes that each and every individual can attain their potential with work, faith in themselves, and the understanding that what is often seen as a weakness is actually our greatest source of power. He stands firm in his belief that the key to living a fulfilling life is in accepting and loving the person we are, all while turning our hardships into wisdom, love, and compassion for all.
Mystery Diva is a serial entrepreneur and is passionate about justice and her phrase “NOT HAVING IT” serves as her mantra in her business and personal life.
Together WE give tips, tools and more on setting clear boundaries:
“I thought the morning would be peaceful, but it was not.”
May the FORCE BE WITH YOU solving the tech snafu and showing up for your children!
Her statement is one we can all relate to in our day to day lives. When we are in the space of NOW and can check in with feelings in REAL TIME we can take a mindful pause and a PEACEFUL PIVOT:
On 1/18/22 I opened up my Instagram story and saw that Shay was sharing her feelings of OVERWHELM and feelings of VULNERABILITY with her audience about how she was “in real time” considering to take a drink after 20 months of sobriety…
I reached out to her to see how she was doing.
“Are you ok?” A simple question we can ask one another in any given moment.
She was grateful for the outpouring of support she received from her audience and her loved ones!
I wanted to bring her back on the show so we could discuss the power of vulnerability and having self love and acceptance to reach out for help when we need it the most!
“WE can’t heal the parts of US that hurt if we are numb.” ~Shay
Hope, Healing and Happiness are words that come to mind after meeting Shay and hearing her journey of SOBRIETY and her unique one day at a time that started during the pandemic! 20 months…. WOOT WOOT!
Her light, her voice and her healing story today and on her IG feed (@shaysober) warms my heart and soul.
She and I discussed JOMO (joy of missing out), ININ (In Integrity), DEEP PLAY
“I knew that sobriety would never work for me if I didn’t I knew that sobriety would never work for me if I didn’t create a life of fun, excitement, adventure, and happiness. So I set out to build a strong foundation for this new way of life.
I began an IOP (intensive outpatient program) where I attended group via zoom 3 hours a night, 3 nights a week, for 4 months. This helped me in so many ways from connecting with other alcoholics, to having assignments that helped provide insight into my disease. I also got a therapist that specialized in substance abuse and began seeing her weekly. She helped me through a lot of the trauma that I had been self-medicating to survive for so many years. I still see her bi-weekly!
I found a Psychiatrist and got on the right prescriptions for depression, and anxiety and I also got on a once a month craving-blocker shot. (Not having cravings for alcohol was HUGE for my early recovery.) I was also on medicine for sleep and anger. (Today I am completely med free, but having these as I navigated early sobriety was very useful for me.)
I read a lot of quit lit (quitting literature) you can find a list on the resources page. These books really helped me to see the great parts of being sober, and that I would still be able to enjoy my life without alcohol.
Finally, I started a sober Instagram & Facebook page @shaysober to keep me accountable and as a daily reprieve in my pocket. I share there every day and love connecting with my sober instagram community.”
The Show Must Go On… that’s been the drumbeat for many of us as vacations, family gatherings, and milestone in-person events are STILL getting canceled.This episode of “On Staying Sane” talks about how to overcome the disappointments, anxiety and sheer sadness that can come with all these disruptions.Dr. Denise explains cognitive re-framing or The Pivot.Cathleen and Dr. Denise discuss actual techniques to tackle stress including exercise, meditation and humor!Why does Dr. Denise say the “c-word?” Why you shouldn’t be put off by the concept of meditating?And if Cathleen can do box breathing — you’ll definitely be able to pull it off!PS:The Navy Seals reportedly do it too!
The FORCE is strong when WE are aware of OUR perception and the Power of OUR Words, Thoughts and Actions!
This episode gives tips and tools & Precision Wordsmith Activation and Cognitive Reframing that Dr. Denise uses every day herself as a Mother, Integrative Psychiatrist and Producer to….
Get IT done!
Dr. Denise Vocabulary and WordSmith Definitions:
Neurostyle: WE all process and perceive information in OUR Unique Way. Defined by the Fabulous Five Pillars (Biological, Psychological, Social, Cultural, Spiritual) and the Sixth Sense INTUITION.
ININ, IN INTEGRITY. In Integrity to self and others.
“WE can’t heal the parts of US that hurt if we are numb.” ~Shay
Hope, Healing and Happiness are words that come to mind after meeting Shay and hearing her journey of SOBRIETY and her unique one day at a time that started during the pandemic! 20 months…. WOOT WOOT!
Her light, her voice and her healing story today and on her IG feed (@shaysober) warms my heart and soul.
She and I discussed JOMO (joy of missing out), ININ (In Integrity), DEEP PLAY
“I knew that sobriety would never work for me if I didn’t I knew that sobriety would never work for me if I didn’t create a life of fun, excitement, adventure, and happiness. So I set out to build a strong foundation for this new way of life.
I began an IOP (intensive outpatient program) where I attended group via zoom 3 hours a night, 3 nights a week, for 4 months. This helped me in so many ways from connecting with other alcoholics, to having assignments that helped provide insight into my disease. I also got a therapist that specialized in substance abuse and began seeing her weekly. She helped me through a lot of the trauma that I had been self-medicating to survive for so many years. I still see her bi-weekly!
I found a Psychiatrist and got on the right prescriptions for depression, and anxiety and I also got on a once a month craving-blocker shot. (Not having cravings for alcohol was HUGE for my early recovery.) I was also on medicine for sleep and anger. (Today I am completely med free, but having these as I navigated early sobriety was very useful for me.)
I read a lot of quit lit (quitting literature) you can find a list on the resources page. These books really helped me to see the great parts of being sober, and that I would still be able to enjoy my life without alcohol.
Finally, I started a sober Instagram & Facebook page @shaysober to keep me accountable and as a daily reprieve in my pocket. I share there every day and love connecting with my sober instagram community.”
2022 New Year, New Series of the Dr. Denise Show! We’re calling it “On Staying Sane!” And don’t we all need a little sanity at this time in our lives? Joining Dr. Denise is journalist Cathleen O’Toole. This spontaneous new show talks about the ways we will care for ourselves when the world can feel a little insane. From Self Care, to Deep Play, to Love of #ALLKind, Dr. Denise uses the pulse of consciousness to help us kick off the new year without all those crazy rigid resolutions. Plus, she gives you a grab and go on the 5-minute rule an what to do about al those emails clogging your inbox!
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