Let’s GO!

Let’s GO!

WE are ALL full throttle and back to school!

This post resonates:

“The school year starts in dribs and drabs, but today’s the real deal for my family- we are back. 3/3 masked, 2/3 vaxxed (soon, please, 11 and under), every one eager, tentative, bold, vulnerable, and- as far as I can tell-smiling under the 3-ply. Thank you teachers, thank you administrators, thank you school staff-for being on the receiving end of a year and a half of feelings (kids’ and parents’)-big and loud, quiet and deep. Thank you science for getting us this far and this much closer to health and freedom. Thank you for moms in your corner and gallows humor and the sun that rises, no matter what. And please, God, hold us in the palm of your hands.” Jennifer Garner’s Instagram Post 9/8/21

As a mother, doctor, host and producer I say “cheers” to Jennifer’s eloquent post above!

This is a short and sweet show honoring the “pulse of consciousness” of all of the “Curve Balls and Cool Pauses” that are thrown are way as parents, administrators, teachers and employees!

A lot of fun and information is on its way!


Dr. Denise

Curve Balls and Cool Pauses

This week was INTENSE for many in my practice, myself, and many of my dear friends. As I was making my coffee on Monday I thought to myself, “Life is a series of Curve Balls and Cool Pauses!”

After a short hiatus this summer I thought it would be fun to kick off the school year/autumn work season with an informative show with tips, tools that validate what I call “the pulse of consciousness” as we all try to go from crisis to stabilization to thrive moment to moment on the wild “Earth Ride!”

Listen here:


Other shows/topics that were referenced:

Earth is a Tough Place

Adaptive vs. Restrictive Perfectionism

The Ascension Show

Diva Discussions

Champion Mindset Series

Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond

Stay tuned for an AMAZING rest of 2021 as WE all navigate this “ARMAGEDDON” time for Humanity.

Infinite Love~


Dr. Denise

The College Send Off…

Did you know that 70% of all life long mental health challenges start before age 24?

I get calls from many parents after the school year starts with many concerns, such as “My kid is homesick, depressed, anxious, or not focused.” It is important to know that most college campuses have student health centers and even provide a certain amount of no charge counseling. I suggest that you or your parents find out what your university has to offer. Usually the counseling provided is for normal adjustment to college as most colleges are not staffed to deal with higher acuity mental health challenges. Plan ahead for what you or your child needs and research medical referrals ahead of time. Make academic accommodations for your student if they have been receiving an individual education plan in high school before school starts or at freshman orientation week. Be proactive, not reactive for academic support and physical and mental health care.

What should I be aware of when going off to college?

First of all, there is a normal adjustment period that can include feeling lonely, anxious, or disorganized. It is important that you have regular contact with your loved ones and your new college friends. Don’t isolate yourself. It is also important to remember that college is academically more challenging and that the first round of tests might not go as well as you hoped. Learn from this, and consider meeting with your teachers, forming a study group, getting a tutor, or meeting with a counselor.

There are many mind-medicine tools. Nutrition is important for physical and mental health. Follow good common-sense rules for eating. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Take a probiotic daily. And remember that sugar does not promote physical and mental wellbeing, so avoid it whenever possible. Get exercise and make sure to have fun, as laughter is the best medicine! Finding your mindfulness activity to keep you in the now reduces stress and improves your mental health. Sleep is crucial, have a regular waking and bed time. It is also a time when use of alcohol, marijuana and other substances happens and can result in abuse and addiction. Be safe, be legal and be aware of the physical and mental health issues that can develop.

If you or your child has a marked change in their personality, is isolating from others, academically failing, or abusing substances, those are signs that a mental health intervention is needed. One of the biggest challenges of getting someone to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist is the self-imposed and societal stigma of getting help.

“This can’t happen to me.” After Columbia University experienced seven suicide completions in a single school yea(2016/2017), student mental-health advocate Jacqueline Basulto shared her strategies for coping with her subtle depression with me on my June 2017 podcast(transcription). She shared how her depression led to a lack of joy and excitement, even in activities she had previously enjoyed. Support from her parents and her private psychiatrist were instrumental in saving her life.

If you or your child is at an out-of-state university, I recommend use your parental intuition, do not hesitate to check in with them, and visit them right away if you feel that they may need your help and guidance. And ongoing dialogue about their mental, physical, social, and academic lives is crucial for overall well-being.

Tips to remember

  • Don’t isolate yourself when you are feeling sad or anxious. Reach out to friends or loved ones. Seek professional help if needed.
  • Ask for academic accommodations if you qualify or consider dropping a class if you are too stressed.
  • Plan family and friend visits to have something to look forward to.
  • Avoid use of alcohol and other non-prescribed drugs.
  • Think of your nutrition as “mind medicine”. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Flaxseed is excellent for mental health.
  • Take a probiotic daily.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Sleep is vital for mental health. Have a regular wake up time and bed time.
  • Take breaks from screen time and self regulate your exposure to negative news.
  • Practice gratitude and find your mindfulness style.
  • Have a mental wellness plan in place before you go to college and reevaluate regularly.

You are ready to go to college with these tips, tools and wellness strategies! I wish all of you love, prosperity, and good health.


Dr. Denise

Simone Biles! “GOAT” to Infinity and Beyond…

Thank you for truly BEing a champion In demonstrating an AWARENESS that you were practicing SELFLOVE in your decision to step back and tend to your MENTAL HEALTH this week.
Your resilience, your voice, your soul, your champion mindset is sending a message to the world “There is no health without mental health!”
The love and support of “The Fighting Four” is palpable!
Congratulations @simonebiles @sunisalee_ @jordanchiles @grace.mccallum
Go Team USA! ??
Dr. Denise

Listen here:

From the New York Post today:
“Simone Biles hinted that the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar was, in part, behind her shocking decision to bow out of the all-around competition — with the GOAT sharing a message on social media from a fellow gymnast who defended her decision and cited the unimaginable trauma she endured.”
“In 2018, Biles revealed she was one of the more than 100 female gymnasts who credibly accused Nassar of molestation. She said the trauma brought about suicidal thoughts and made it difficult to return to the famed USA Gymnastics training facility formerly run by Bela Karolyi where much of the abuse occurred.”
~7/28/2021 New York Post

Ascend Through The Medium You Choose…

“How can we maintain our own mental, physical and spiritual health?” in every moment of our lives especially in these unimaginable times.
It starts with AWARENESS. We have to be aware of our own physical and emotional state(s) to have greater SELF LOVE and the ability for self care. We need to also remember that we are in this TOGETHER. When individuals thrive WE all thrive. Cooperation and ALTRUISM on EARTH allow US to experience UNITY.
The UNIVERSAL TRUTHS of awareness, self love and altruism are foundational for health and wellbeing.
We have OUR unique Neurostyle, the way we each process and perceive our environment (biological, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural) so let’s think of  our own minds as their own “mini universes” to cultivate, love and take care of.
Our words, thoughts and actions carry a vibrational frequency that influence our health and those around US.
It is vital that WE make healthy personal choices in OUR day to day lives with our environment, nutrition, fitness, sleep, friendships, and also what WE MINDFULLY ingest when we are reading and participating in online news, media, and entertainment.
Everything is energy and can serve as “rocket fuel for SELF LOVE and HEALTH!”
In 2016 I launched the Dr. Denise Show and my NOW International Brand provides content that helps all of us embrace health and wellbeing.
The Energy Of Love (& tools to go from crisis to thrive) is integrated into the content, thoughts and suggestions in all the media released inspired by my work as a doctor, an intuitive and producer.
I founded @ascensionmedia.love in 10/20 as a sacred energy space and evolving platform.
We are just finishing Season 3 of The Ascension & our last show will be entitled “Life Review!”
What’s next!?
An August retreat for team Ascension…
More episodes of the Dr. Denise Show…
And an EVOLVING sacred space/platform that is in “Motion!”
Visit: DrDeniseMD.com @ascensionmedia.love @mhnrnetwork @pandora


The Ascension Show Season 3, Episode Eight “Life Review”

When you’re a million miles from home, vacation fully underway, To-Do List on hold, the #LifeReview just seems to happen.  Why?  What does this do for our mental health, for our souls?  The Ascension Show team tackles this process.   Our Dr. Denise calls it the management of all the karmic burners one has firing.  We take stock in this episode simply called “Life Review.”  We talk about how to benefit from this practice even when we’re not in a faraway land.  Our Dr. Best teaches us what anxiety, sex and swimming all have in common.  Our Jennifer talks about what Spirit says about how we are living.  And don’t miss Beverly’s segment on #Agelessness — her wheelbarrow — and how it all flows seamlessly with our discussion on #SacredSexuality!
Anchors:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer:  Katherine Axiotis
​Vocals: Emily Eddins
​Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist:  Carolyn Honda
Links in show:
~Ascension Show’s on Consensuality, No Shame, Sacred Sexuality & Awareness https://www.ascensionmedia.love/the-ascension-1
~Jennifer and Richard Martini https://richardmartini.podbean.com
~Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie https://www.mitchalbom.com/books/tuesdays-with-morrie/


We have our “Earth Age” and OUR “Soul Age” coupled with the unseen energy of joy and happiness that influences our material DNA for optimal health and well-being.

This show is full of surprises on where the conversations lead to on dating… sex… marriage… age “norms” & more. Plus, we talk supplements, sleep, tea, meals and all the right stuff to fuel up with.  And, learn about #altruism and its age-defying tricks!!


Anchors:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole

Executive Producers:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole

Associate Producer:  Katherine Axiotis


            Vocals: Emily Eddins

            Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins

Graphic Artist:  Carolyn Honda

Links in show:


The Ascension Show Season 3, Episode Six “Your Compass. Your Intuition. Every Day!”

What’s that answer that drops into your awareness instinctively without conscious reasoning? It’s your #INTUITION!  And in this week’s episode of The Ascension Show we investigate how to use this wonderful gift each and every day.  Come along with us as we learn the most amazing Compass Exercise that shows you how to access your own intuition in a matter of minutes.  From clairsentience to claircognizance and every “clair” in between — we’ve got all the ways your soul is guiding you!

Anchors:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole

Executive Producers:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole

Associate Producer:  Katherine Axiotis


            Vocals: Emily Eddins

            Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins

Graphic Artist:  Carolyn Honda

Links in show:

Ascension Media:  www.ascensionmedia.love

Jennifer Shaffer:  www.jennifershaffer.com

Dean Radin, MS, PhD:  www.noetic.org/profile/dean-radin/



The Ascension Show Season 3, Episode Five “Intuition: Hacking the Afterlife”

It’s your clear knowing, your clear feeling, your clear seeing — it’s your #INTUITION!  But how do you use it and how do you #HackTheAfterlife?  The Ascension Show team tackles it all!  The doctors answer the million-dollar question of, “Is this my anxiety or my intuition?”  Plus, practical applications of your intuition — everything from high heels vs. slippers to locating Leo the Cat — how to listen to your highest sensory level all the time.      Get ready to tap into your Ethereal Internal Guidance!

Anchors:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole

Executive Producers:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole

Associate Producer:  Katherine Axiotis


Vocals: Emily Eddins

Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins

Graphic Artist:  Carolyn Honda

Guest:  Richard Martini


Links in show:


~Dr. Denise & Jennifer Shaffer on Etheric Medicine with Mia St. John

~Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer hackingtheafterlife.com & jennifershaffer.com


~Richard Martini richardmartini.com

~PGS The Movie https://www.pgsthemovie.com

~Stephanie Arnold’s 37 Seconds  http://stephaniearnold.net/




Titles for video with Jennifer Shaffer and Richard Martini (within the show)

Jennifer works with law enforcement nationwide on

missing person cases.

For the past five years, Jennifer and I have met weekly.

(Those transcripts are in the books “Backstage Pass to the

Flipside” 1, 2 and 3)

During the pandemic, we decided to start a podcast….

We have done over 60 to date…

In the books “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” we

interview anyone “who comes to our class…”

The class includes people I knew who are no longer on the

planet, people my friend Luana Anders knew who

moderates our conversations with the Flipside.

Luana was in over 300 TV shows and films, she knew a lot

of people, and they often show up to chat….

As a film director, former music critic for Variety, I knew

a lot of people who are in the industry….

Our chats include quite a few people of notoriety….

But as Jennifer notes often; “there is no hierarchy on the


So while we may have interviewed a myriad of famous

people, we also interview friends, family, strangers…

The interviews are often mind bending, but my questions are

based on a decade of filming people under hypnosis. In this

podcast we “interview an Akashic librarian.”

While under hypnosis, people say the same things about the

afterlife that people who are not under hypnosis say.

Having filmed 100 people with or without hypnosis saying

the same things, I ask Jennifer questions about that process…

Jennifer has done 100s of sessions and asking her questions

is like having a literal “cellphone to the flipside.”

What makes our podcast unique is that she reports the same

answers about process no matter who we ask questions to….

The same answers that I’ve gotten from speaking to them

via hypnotherapy, meditation or another medium.

Jennifer hears, sees, senses the same information I’ve

filmed people saying while under deep hypnosis.

It’s a way to understand our current journey; by “Hacking

the Afterlife” we get confirmation that life goes on.

“The librarian” answered questions about process.

What the Akashic library is.

How anyone can access that information.


Jennifer and I have been doing this for over 5 years.

The podcast is a culmination of both of our experiences

with the flipside….



On Alchemy Series: Journey to Body Love

The “On Alchemy” series from Dr. Denise McDermott and Dr. Andrea Best takes us on a “Journey to Body Love.”  The doctors invited Asia Mone’t @ModelAsisaMonet, and Beth Rylaarsdam @CurvyGirlBeth, of The Plus Talk Show to celebrate the human body in all its unique sizes, shapes and colors!  The ladies take us back in time to chronicle their journey of body positivity throughout the years.  @CurvyGirlBeth teaches even the doctors a thing or two about Lipedema.  And @ModelAsiaMonet talks about life as a fit model for the size 40G, including the campaign to break down the barrier and let retailers know just what their clientele is demanding.  Hint:  it doesn’t just come in white and beige!!  From billboards in Times Square to the dance of two naked souls there’s joy and positivity in this “Journey to Body Love.”  Special guest Cathleen O’Toole takes on a trip through time to see the evolution of the #BoPo movement.  And there’s #Thrive and #Joy as the group moves and grooves in all its revered forms.  Go on the Journey with us!





Asia Mone’t is a Plus Size Model affectionately known as the “G” in the Intimate Apparel Business. Brands like Calvin Klein, Target, Komar and Lively,  (just to mention a few) have developed and perfected their fuller bust designs on her form.

As a face Asia Mone’t has been seen on campaigns for Size

Inclusive brands such as Curvy Beach and Plus Size Retailer Ashley Stewart. Asia Mone’t continues to use her image and influence on her social media platforms to redefine the “Standard of Beauty”  promoting self-love and confidence #IamBeautyToo .


Asia Mone’t has recently launched her Designer Line of Intimates made with Fuller Bust and Plus Curves in Mind, AM Signature Collection which also includes her Designer Fragrance AM Love For Us available exclusively at Shop.AsiaMonet.Com .


Asia Mone’t is an Intuitive Healer at heart who is on mission to help others on their healing journeys by channeling healing messages from the Divine. She has created AM Love Oracle on Youtube and AMLoveOracle1111 on Instagram to share Divine Guidance, Inspiration, and Healing Messages.










Lipedema Awareness Spokesperson. Body Acceptance Advocate.
Public Speaker / Talk Show Co-Host

Beth Rylaarsdam has been enlightening the world through her @curvygirlbeth Social Media with her Acceptance and Curvy Confidence. She is actively creating Lipedema Awareness around the globe through her engaging posts, Plus Size Fashion Modeling, Podcasts and volunteer work. Her compassionate and positive nature make her a natural for this grass roots effort. She has been inspiring others to consider getting comfortable with themselves by sharing her personal journey to self love and acceptance.

You can follow her on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok/YouTube/ Twitter/Pinterest: @curvygirlbeth

Contact email: Info@thecurvygirlbeth.com