A Grandma’s Love… Happiness at 100!

“No Regrets” — that’s the battle cry from Helen Kruskal who just celebrated her 100th birthday.!  In this episode of the Dr. Denise Show, we hear from this centenarian who takes that old phrase “laughter is the best medicine” and turns it up a notch to “Love is the best medicine.”  Grandma Helen is joined by her grandson Howard Flamm, a natural health practitioner who operates wellness centers in the West.   Joining the discussion is journalist Cathleen O’Toole.  You’ll hear how Helen’s humble upbringing in 1920s and 1930s New York City was infused with familial love, music and creativity.  Grandma Helen and Cathleen muse on the immigrant experience — why a banana and its peel could become fodder for a family story that will be passed down for generations.  Howard reminds us of his grandparents’ motto:  “Leave things to look forward to.”  Grandma Helen and her straight-shooter approach will teach you what not to do as you age and how finding the people with “love in their heart” will enrich your life and longevity more than you’ll ever now.

Listen here:



From Howard Flamm, Grandson of Helen:

         Helen Kruskal‘s parents immigrated from the area of modern day Belarus and arrived in the US just a couple years before the pandemic of 1918. Europe was going thru the 1st World War. The family was lucky to be able to hop a ship to the United States. They had quotas on immigrants here in America.  And the quota for men had already been reached.Helen’s Father, Izzy, was dressed up as a woman for entrance to America when the ship arrived at Ellis Island. Low & behold… he got through!

            Helen, the oldest of 3, was born in 1920. So she wasn’t around for the pandemic. Her Mother, Ida, didn’t really talk about it. They had only been in U.S. for a few years at that point. Likely, they were just so happy to be living in America… that nothing could get them down!

            It was humble beginnings, as Helen was born in a lower-Manhattan neighborhood in New York City. Then, later, they moved to the Bronx, N.Y.  There were 8 family members (immediate & extended ) sharing a 2 bedroom / 1 bath apartment. THAT’S RIGHT!!! 8 adults shared ONE BATHROOM. They had no phone/ no T.V. (it wasn’t invented yet)/ & certainly no computer.  There were definitely sacrifices on accommodations and privacy. Bu, t hey were happy and didn’t necessarily believe that anything of material value would  be a missing piece of happiness. They were happy with meager belongings, as they were poor, but were surrounded by love and family. Even the toys the kids played were simple, Grandma Hellen remembers, “a spoon & a bottle cap” as providing hours of fun.  Neither of Helen’s parents ever drove a car; they would walk, or her father would take the subway to go to work.

            Helen’s husband, Bernie, passed in 1987. Together, they owned a wedding ring manufacturing business in New York City. Her grandson Howard, learned so much about entrepreneurship from living and working with his grandparents each summer as a teenager.   It was truly an unforgettable and invaluable experience. He parlayed that experience into starting several health and wellness centers, children’s book publishing business, and a feature film production company.

            Helen and Bernie believed in working hard. But as avid travelers, always had a grand vacation planned, often times one year out. They would shut down their sole-proprietor jewelry business and head out on an adventure each summer. That included driving thru Europe for seven weeks, doing it three consecutive years! Driving cross-country. Throughout Mexico. And, many airline trips in the 1950’s, when most people at that time had never been on a commercial airline.

            In her 40s and 50s, Helen took classes in the craft of oil painting. She painted dozens and dozens of beautiful still life and landscape portraits still hanging in many family members’ homes today.  She also played tennis for many, many years.  In her 80s, she travelled to both China and Israel and has been on more than 10 cruises, mostly throughout the Caribbean in her later years.

            Helen has three daughters, split between New Jersey/Washington D.C./and South Florida, along with four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

            She loves Broadway plays, watching game shows, New York deli and most of all — surrounding herself with the love of family.

            Today she lives in her own home. In New Jersey, just under an hour from the city. It’s part of an over 55+ community. Before changes with the quarantine, she’d drive and go out with a group of ladies to dinner and the movies. They’d never talk about their age (or health problems, that’s a rule they keep). They probably think Helen is about 83 ?

            For her hundred birthday, the family surprised her with a Zoom video party.  About 50 family members and close friends watched an incredible video montage that was produced by many well-wishers.  Lots of cake and food was served at her place in New Jersey.  The gala affair was the next best thing to being there.

The Pause…

We all have days, moments or times in our life when we want to rest, create, dream, relax and take our own unique pause.


The Ascension ladies thought as a collective we do not talk enough about how we actually adapt and make that happen when we need it the most. Dr. Denise  suggested that we take a week off from filming and during the production meeting a few of us thought why not do a short and sweet show about “The Pause…”

Listen to our tips, tools and more, right here:




Thank you Beverly for being the wise sage and sending your prose to read this week on the show.

Here is a “shot of love” from Bev:


The Ascension Team

Vaccine Hesitant? That is ok…

Prayers UP for Health & Happiness for Humanity!

I am known as an M.D. in my community for minimal prescribing and/or doing so only if needed. I usually wait > 1 year to try any new meds (scientific method and gathering data) if needed for my patients, when considering new medicines.


It is ok to be vaccine hesitant.

Make your best health decision driven by science and holistic health and your unique set of health circumstances.


Dr. Denise

Listen here:

When your kid plays hooky….

We all want to play hooky at times, right?

I just received an email that my son missed virtual school today. “WTF? I thought to myself.”

I paused.

Got the data.

Came up with a parenting plan and now thought why not share a “real time parenting” moment with all of you.

“WE are in this together” comforting words I tell myself.

Listen here:

(hope it helps…. I sure feel better!)

Aliki One 2/1/21 Aniforos LAUNCH!

Drum Roll please…..

Announcing 2/1/21 Aniforos release!

Let’s remember to celebrate our health, our creativity and our own ascension through this unimaginable time!

I celebrated the launch of Ascension Media (Fall 2020) by co-creating this new bracelet, Aniforos.

Covid survivor, 9/11 Survivor and Aliki Designs Founder, Dr. Denise Berger joins the Dr. Denise Show to discuss the newest consciousness jewelry piece to be added to the Aliki One collection!

Listen here:


(Essence: ascension)
Bringing focused intention to elevate consciousness through a chosen medium,
allowing for greater awareness, self-love and altruism for ALL KIND throughout the cycles of life.
About ALIKI ONE (from site)….
“Co-created with Dr. Denise (drdenisemd.com), comes this one-of-a-kind collection intended to inspire higher consciousness along with mental health and wellbeing.  Made of sterling silver 925, these designs are unique, creative, metaphoric, substantive, and packed with meaning.  Our story with AlikiOne is unique and is the result of transformational journeys to India and Nepal.  The designs are high impact – carrying intentional vibrational energy that promotes a collective thriving for all.  #InspireAll  #OneHumanity Here about this co-creation on the Dr. Denise podcast:



And like our other collections, once you put on an AlikiOne Design you won’t want to take it off. Wear it swimming, showering, exercising, working, playing, relaxing, sleeping and even with your black tie… Anywhere. Anytime. #Alikiwear.


GIFT: Partnerships for Change’s Lama Tenzin’s Orphanage
21% of the price you pay.

Lama Tenzin Choegyal from the Dolpo Region of the Himalayas is an unassuming hero for lost and forgotten children. He is known to trek 10 hours/day for 20 – 30 days while climbing over altitudes of 18,000 feet of treacherous conditions. He finds the children who have been cast from their homes due to spiritual beliefs or neglect and brings them to his orphanage. There, he has created a safe and loving home where they grow and flourish, and have access to private school education and professional opportunities. He is embarking on a new project called the “PinkPad.” Women in the villages are often sent away during their menses and have no access to any comforts. He is raising money for the equipment to manufacture and package supplies that the girls at the orphanage will help design and distribute.

To learn more about Lama Tenzin’s forward-thinking and heroic work, follow this link:



* This venture is paid the total collected at year end.
#businesswithpurpose #alikinspire



The Ascension Show Season 2 Episode Four Love is the Legacy

From hummingbirds, to butter, to cosmic sex, you never know what this crew is going to bring up during a discussion of the Universal Truth of Love!  In this episode we prove #LoveistheLegacy with a deep dive into the many forms, feelings and fun that make up love.  We discuss the impact the National Youth Poet Laureate is having across the globe with her The Hill We Climb inaugural poem.   And, you know that voice inside your head that can sometimes be so critical — well, we meet it head on with a robust section on #self-love.  We remind ourselves why self-love is so critical to the foundations of mental wellness.  You’ll see why your ancestors send you so much love.  Plus, we get real with revealing talk about The 5 Love Languages you may of heard about — but you’ll get The Ascension Show twist!  Get your best paper out for your #LoveAssignment.  It’s all a delicious helping of #LOVE…

Anchors:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole

Executive Producers:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole

Associate Producer:  Katherine Axiotis


            Vocals: Emily Eddins

            Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins

Graphic Artist:  Carolyn Honda

Links in show:


Champion Mindset Series: Trent M.Clark Three Time MLB World Series Coach

“Make each day your masterpiece.”~John Wooden

What an honor to start out the 2021 Champion Mindset Series with Three time MLB World Series Coach Trent M. Clark!

Are you ready to be inspired by Trent describing his “Win the Days” philosophy with focused intention, grace and humility?

Listen here:

Trent M. Clark
Founder MPower Athletes Inc, Courage Coach Inc & Leadershipity.com Three-time MLB World Series Coach

Trent Clark is CEO of Leadershipity and Co-Founder of Transitions LLC. Having spent his adult livelihood among top 1% producers in sports and business, Trent is dedicated to empowering people to reach their goals, peak performance, and attain their dreams. At Leadershipity, we design, coach and facilitate

MEASURABLE Training, Education, Assessments and Mentoring (T.E.A.M) for personal leadership and team-building programs worldwide.

Trent has received accolades as both an athlete and coach. He served over 12 seasons in Major League Baseball – including three (3) trips to the World Series – working with the Detroit Tigers, two-time American League Champion Cleveland Indians and World Champion Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Trent has worked on staff with famed personalities, coaches and executives Mark Shapiro, Nick Saban, Tom Izzo, Mark Dantonio, John Hart, Paul DePodesta, Sparky Anderson, Mike Hargrove, Mike Scioscia, Don Wakamatsu, Jerry Jenkins, Joe Maddon, Bud Black and many others.

Trent is a nationally recognized certified coach & speaker.

In business, Trent is a founder, an educator and investor. He is a 7-year member of the Entrepreneur Organization (EO) serving the EO Global Board Mentorship Sub Committee and operates as an EO Mentorship Facilitator worldwide. As a professional speaker, Trent has served organizations for over 25 years, providing motivation and useful knowledge transfer from the lessons of sport to practical business application. In addition, he is a Certified Everything DiSC® Facilitator and Authorized Partner of both DiSC and Patrick Lencioni’s, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®.

Since 2011, Trent has launched two separate startup firms that rose to revenues exceeding $1M USD within the first 15 months of existence.

A University of Toledo BS Graduate with an Education Degree (K-12), Trent earned Varsity Letters in both Tennis and Baseball and was voted All-MAC Conference. In addition, Trent played in the 1989 & 1990 NJCAA National Tennis Championships.



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PROGRAM WORKSHOPS: Facilitate 1⁄2 Day up to Multi-Day Events

The Nine Behaviors of Leadership® (∞)
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® – Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results (┼) Disruptive Conflict to Productive Conflict (┼)
The Leader’s Playbook
XX Leadership – Women Lead to Win
Mentoring Programs that Serve
DiSC – Work of ??????? (┼)
DiSC – High Performance Sales (┼)
T.E.A.M.s – Training, Education, Assessment and Measurement
The Depth Chart – How to Develop A and B Players (And Rid Your Organization of C and D Players) SISU Forums – Peer Leadership and Team-Development Forums
A Wining Strategy – How Your Team Will Win
(┼) Licensed and Certified Instructor (∞) Licensed

The Nine Behaviors of Leadership (Being a Leader With Courage)®
High Performing Organizations: Everyone deserves to work for one
GPS? What Direction You’re Headed; The Growth Positioning System Leaders are Listeners; Asking Impactful Questions
Efficiency – Do, Delegate, Eliminate; Focus on the Fewer & Bigger
The Weight (Wait) of the Ring; The Challenge of Being the Best
Lead with Your Emotions; Emotion is 86% Motion and EI Can Be Learned Leadership and the “Ity’s”; Expectations of Leaders
The Foundation of Trust; The Three Key Behaviors
Mentorship; Win, Build, Send
Leading with 2020 Vision; Shaping Your Organizations Future with Clarity Setback to Stardom; The Phenomena of Focus and Adaptability
You Win or You Learn; Maximizing the Impact of Every Game Played Thought Life and the 4:8 Principle; Stop Beating Yourself Up
This Day for That Day; Are you interested, or committed?

Trent has served the charitable organizations ALL-PRO DAD, Compassion International, Educatis International, Red Mountain Community Church and Hickory Creek Community Church Missions.

Born in Battle Creek, Michigan, Trent and his wife reside in the Midwest and have five children.




The Ascension Show Season 2 Episode Three On Adventuring!

The Ascension Show Season 2 Episode Three

On Adventuring!


True Adventure — how do we inject it into our lives?  What does it really mean?  The crew at The Ascension Show is thrilled to tackle this uplifting subject.  And to ramp up the fun, we invite best-selling author Amy Newmark of Chicken Soup for the Soul series fame along for the ride.  We’re going to be jumping off cliffs, swimming with sharks — but we’ll also find the adventure in everyday life.  From dreaming about travel to the benefits of saying yes, we take #ADVENTURE into areas you might not have pondered.  Tough to find adventure in a pandemic you might be thinking; we’ve got a recipe for that, too!  Stay with us for the whole show as Amy gives us an adventure assignment that we can all do — to infuse new experiences, joy and an extra dose of appreciation into the moment.

Anchors:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole

Guests:  Amy Newmark, Camille Jocsak

Executive Producers:  Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole

Associate Producer:  Katherine Axiotis


            Vocals: Emily Eddins

            Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins

Graphic Artist:  Carolyn Honda

Links in show:



Kara Best, Beacon of Change, ON Inauguration Day

Kara started with community involvement in elementary school with a nonprofit called SPEAK, where she worked with teens at Google headquarters. At the onset of  middle school she organized March For Our Lives and had a zoom call with Elizabeth Warren related to this organization in Spring of 2020.

After the murder of George Floyd Kara Best was on “How To Talk With Kids About Race In America/Nightly News:Kids Edition” with Lester Holt.

Kara made her first appearance on the “On Alchemy” series Summer 2020 after she had participated in peaceful protests in Santa Monica.

I was so impressed by her presence, her light, her perspective that I asked her to be a part of the Ascension team of Ascension Media as our “Beacon of Change.”

When I was watching the inauguration this morning and listening to Amanda Gorman I thought “I wonder what 15 y/o Kara is thinking and feeling right NOW?”

Let’s find out:

***Kara and I were both so inspired and referenced this in the show:

“My Granddaughter, Amanda Gorman, has been selected to read one of her original poetry works at the Biden/Harris Inauguration on January 20.  Such a proud day.  Our family – from slavery to the podium of a Presidential Inauguration.”
~Vill Harmon
Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman moved the country with her poem “The Hill We Climb” during today’s inauguration. Here is an excerpt:
“We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be—a country that is bruised, but whole, benevolent, but bold, fierce, and free. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. Our blunders become their burdens. But one thing is certain, if we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright.”

The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Podcast from Wed., Jan 13 on ‘THE SPORTS DOCTOR’ Radio Show at 1pm PT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET –
Dr. Denise McDermott, Holistic Child & Adult Psychiatrist, Podcast Host, & contributor to #HeySportsParents returns along with Steve Chirico, Mayor of Naperville, Illinois, one of  America’s most popular & Active towns. Then, it’s ‘The Sports Doc Is In’ with your emails!