The Earth Game
This show was inspired by Marjan and I discussing health, wealth, & relationships during this unimaginable time.
The Earth Game:
This show was inspired by Marjan and I discussing health, wealth, & relationships during this unimaginable time.
The Earth Game:
The Ascension Show Team shines the spotlight on our very own Ascension Medium Jennifer Shaffer. We hear about the origins and evolution of her skills as a practicing spiritual intuitive. From a robust practice of individual clients to pro-bono work for more than a decade working with families and various law enforcement agencies. Jennifer takes us through a typical day, getting the downloads of being connected to the spirit world. How did she know she had this ability? How did she overcome any fears or concerns she might’ve had at first? Jennifer feels everyone has this ability to some
extent. We’ll let science meet the spiritual. And find out how your Loved Ones from the other side communicate and how to feel their energy. You’ll get your very own AWARENESS lesson, with take-home work for you to tune in to. How does Jennifer do that? You’ll find out!
Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Cathleen O’Toole
Guests: G. Beverly Bergmann, Dr. Achal Singh Achrol, MD, Jack Shaffer, Blake Shaffer
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
Vocals: Emily Eddins
Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda
Links in show:
Jennifer Shaffer’s Bob Olson Book Recommendation:
Subject of Three Bestselling Books and two Short Films by Award-Winning Filmmaker, Director and Author Richard Martini, “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” Volumes 1,2 & 3
To watch:
I just received a lovely email from Caroline Eliasson from
Honored to be included in 5 Psychiatrists Educating The Public On Mental Health!
It was a nice start to my day to reflect how far I have come since that video that was recorded (over 5 years ago). I am going to contact Caroline and her team and express gratitude for this introduction to their audience.
Check out the Dr. Denise Show on Mental Health News Radio Network.
Dr. Best, Marjan Mamooie and I sat down to capture our feelings after the election.
We agreed that there is a lot of work to do with the level of divide in the United States yet are hopeful that we can unite one conversation at a time.
Listen here:
The Ascension Show Five
Healing. Love. Hate. Divide. WTF 2020?
Post-Election show where we are being vulnerable, soft, yet powerful! How are we doing with all this unseen energy, division and fear? Dr. Andrea Best and Dr. Denise McDermott talk about the questions being asked and answered in their medical practices this week as the nation took to the polls. Our Ascension Medium Jennifer Shaffer talks about how her practice is processing the energies that The Vote 2020 is still bringing. We examine and analyze just who are these people who love the divide. We look to #LoveSupremacy to strategize how to heal in divided times. We Level Up to to hold a safe space for our wellness, be it mentally, physically or spiritually. And we have some fun with our F#*^ button to examine the concept of how “It’s all Divinely F—ked up Perfect!”
Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
Vocals: Emily Eddins
Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda
Links in show:
Listen here:
The Ascension Show Four
UNITY: Questions You’re Afraid to Ask
This week we’re talking UNITY — and it’s a safe space! Dr. Andrea Best, MD leads the discussion about taking personal responsibility when it comes to issues of race, social justice and #UNITY. We’ll learn to ask: “How am I being? Where am I struggling? Where is my internal resistance? How can I see this differently, this group of people differently?” It’s likely you’ll be amazed by Dr. Best’s teachings on energy frequencies => unbalance => discord => disease. Trust us, you’ll want to be balanced! Our “Why is This a Thing?” Segment is all #UNITY-centered. And the Vote 2020, in these final days of the presidential election, will also be infused with #UNITY. The anchor spotlight is on Ascension Media’s Medical Director Dr. Andrea Best, be prepared to be enlightened! Dr. Best is going to ask the “Questions You’re Afraid to Ask.” Exciting!
Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
Vocals: Emily Eddins
Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda
Links in show:
Listen here:
It is an absolute honor to launch this interview on the same day as his book release!
Vince INSPIRES me. He is a true warrior of kindness, inspiration and mental wellness for ALL!
Meet him and find out about “Mr. Lanci Talks Mental Health Book” right here:
The Ascension Show Three
Integration: We Aspire to Inspire All!
Be unapologetically you! That’s the battle cry of our amazing guest Matt Sarafa. A fashion designer and influencer, this 22-year-old wunderkind shows us how to bring out our inner spirit to become the fullest version of ourself. From Matt’s fashion to his attitude, we will explore the Universal Truth of Integration as it balances the masculine and feminine energy that is ever-present in our world. Our Ascension Media Team also talks about the integration of mind, soul and spirit — the multi-dimensional aspects of each one of us. Look for us to tackle the Vote 2020 and how we can all integrate together to give the nation the gift of our vote. And we’ll have a full-on Diva Discussion — you’ll want to see what that’s all about. No matter your age be ready to be your own best friend, connected to your best self, to feel well, to feel peace — we’ll help you set the stage for it all! We aspire to #InspireALL!
Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
Vocals: Emily Eddins
Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda
Live Guests: Matt Sarafa, Marjan Mamooie, G. Beverly Bergmann
Links in show:
What an honor to do a DEEP Dive after this week’s show on The Ascension with Dr. Berger! We are honored to have her as part of the Ascension Team! ~Dr. Denise
Commentary by Denise D. Berger, EdD, Conscious Capitalism Guru
Mental Health News Radio Network welcomes The Dr. Denise Show! Listen in to Dr. Denise McDermott to obtain your needed prescription of empowerment by helping to find your own multi-dimensional approach to mental wellness. Dr. Denise is here to help change the way people think, talk, and act about mental health with mind, body, and soul discussions.
“I honor and respect that each of us has our own unique way of processing and perceiving the world, or ‘neuro-style,’ a phrase I have coined that is a non-stigmatizing way to discuss your inner world or mindset. It is all-encompassing and includes the biological, psychological, social, cultural, and spiritual aspects.” – Dr. Denise McDermott
About Mental Health News Radio Network
Mental Health News Radio Network hosts over 80 podcasts dedicated to all aspects of mental health and provides a mentally healthy environment to enjoy creative content as well. It is the world’s first, largest, and finest podcast network dedicated to all things mental health. Its Speakers’ Bureau and filmed series Mental Health Round Table allow it to further its mission to reach as many people in as many places as possible to encourage dialogue not only about mental health but other interesting topics provided in a mentally healthy way to help promote mental wellness.
About Dr. Denise & Ascension Media
Dr. Denise McDermott, M.D. has been in private practice since 2001. As a medical doctor with board certifications in both Adult and Child Psychiatry, she treats children, adolescents, and adults. Her goal is to empower all to live the best life possible. Her approach is to encourage people to believe in wellness, not illness, and to lead a balanced healthy lifestyle. As an integrative adult and child psychiatrist, Dr. Denise bridges Eastern and Western modalities of healing in order to help others go from ‘crisis’ to being able to thrive and reach their goals.
Learning a non-shaming way of handling difficult life situations while growing up, primarily through her father’s journey of sobriety, her parents nicknamed her their “little Ann Landers,” as she was always the go-to person for advice within her circle throughout her life. Dr. Denise realized during her 3rd-year medical school rotations that mental wellness was key for optimum health which brought her into the psychiatric field. Dr. Denise adopted her son at birth and his neuro-style challenges and intuitive giftedness keep her day to day life hopping! His exuberance keeps her young and connected to “Mission: Mental Wellness.” To stay fit, creative, and sane she swims six to seven days a week as her own “mind medicine.” Check out her website here:
To book MHNR Network podcasters or its CEO, Kristin Sunanta Walker, for your media outlet please email
For all PR inquiries contact Ryan McCormick via our PR team via email at
Denise McDermott MD, Dr Denise, mental health, Mental Health News Radio Network, mental illness, Mental Wellness, MHNR Press Release, Neurostyle, new podcast, press release, psychiatrist, The Dr Denise Show, wellness
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